

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:33

iphone Programming Glossary: persists

Facebook error: Encountered an error while processing the request: 502 Error parsing server response. Got EOF while waiting for outstanding responses


either intern or latest is temporarily down due to a SEV or push. Please check in e FYI or #e first. If the error persists through retries or if you have good reason to suspect this is a bug in proxygen please report the issue to ti bugs@lists..

Tab bar Controller raising NSInternalInconsistencyException


I have seen on the web is here http discussions.apple.com thread.jspa messageID 9716886 However the problem still persists even after deleting and recreating the tab bar controller from scratch in IB. Any clue Thanks in advance. iphone iphone..

iPhone SDK 3.0 and symbolicatecrash not getting along?


UPDATE I've reinstalled with Snow Leopard clean install. Completely wiped my existing Leopard install. Same problem persists. I've tried numbers of versions of symbolicatecrash to resolve symbols in my crash reports. From the version provided by..

iCloud NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore initial sync/access delay - how to handle?


an app and save its data to NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore. Made sure data is there. Removed the app assuming data is still persists in iCloud . Waited several minutes just in case then installed and launched the app from inside Xcode. Tried to read a settings..

Failed to launch simulated application: Unknown error


Inspector in the iPhone simulator. VoiceOverTouch message no longer appears in logs but the Unknown error persists. New logs 12.08.09 11 01 20 com.apple.launchd 166 com.apple.iPhoneSimulator com.apple.AXInspector 10808 Exited Terminated..

Setting a cookie in an iPhone App


a cookie in an iPhone App Is it possible to set a cookie in an iPhone Application that persists so that later when the user is in Mobile Safari that cookie can be sent to a webserver iphone share improve this question..

writeToFile fails on iphone but works on simulator


that you wouldn't want to because any changes would be overwritten when you update your app. The documents directory persists across versions and I believe it is backed up via itunes. Here is a snippet that checks the documents directory for a plist...

Persisting Dates to SQLite3 in an iPhone Application


Dates to SQLite3 in an iPhone Application I am developing an iPhone application that persists data to a SQLite3 database. For each row I persist I wish to include a 'created date' and a 'last modified date' My question..

Why is NSUserDefaults not saving my values?


the Simulator or on the device your User Defaults might get saved but there's a good chance they won't. NSUserDefaults persists any changes periodically and if you terminate the process before they've been persisted they'll be gone. You can force the..

copyplist failed with exit code 71


under Developer Library Xcode first . I've deleted my source tree and checked out of source control fresh. The error persists. The Entitlements.plist file has been there for a couple of weeks since I started my last beta programme. I can't be sure..

iPhone — renew team provisioning profile


checkbox and push the refresh button I get this message An unexpected error occurred. Please try again. If the problem persists please contact Apple Developer Support http developer.apple.com support . I suppose I can go to support but it would still..

Delete keychain items when an app is uninstalled


How to preserve the index path value in the table view in iPhone?


lot of difference it's up to you to decide what you want. If you use NSUserDefaults though keep in mind that the data persists across launches. If you don't want that but you want to use it you have to empty the object when you close the app prefs..

iPhone - in-App purchase consumable correct approach


allow them to move the items to a new device unless all their app data is copied over . Data stored in the keychain persists when an app is deleted and reinstalled. The keychain is intended for storing usernames and passwords but you can also store..

iPhone Upload video to youtube app using GData framework


Static string variable in Objective C on iphone


static NSString str @ OldValue in class A. If i assign some value to this in class B as str @ NewValue . This value persists for all methods in class B. But if I access it in class C after assignment in B I am getting it as OldValue. Am I missing..