

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uipopovercontroller

Code is exectuting but the view is not loading when called form a function?


self.myPopController PopController alloc initWithStyle UITableViewStylePlain self.myPopOverController UIPopoverController alloc initWithContentViewController myPopController When I select certain row in the popover I want the backgroundview mainView..

Popover with embedded navigation controller doesn't respect size on back nav


with embedded navigation controller doesn't respect size on back nav I have a UIPopoverController hosting a UINavigationController which contains a small hierarchy of view controllers. I followed the docs and for each..

Retain/release pattern for UIPopoverController, UIActionSheet, and modal view controllers?


release pattern for UIPopoverController UIActionSheet and modal view controllers I'm somewhat unclear on the object ownership patterns required for the following.. transfer the ownership of your popviewcontroller to the presenting object. To avoid memory leak you have to adopt the UIPopoverControllerDelegate and implement the DidDismissPopOver method as follow void popoverControllerDidDismissPopover UIPopoverController.. and implement the DidDismissPopOver method as follow void popoverControllerDidDismissPopover UIPopoverController popoverController popoverController release This way you can safe alloc and present a PopOver void showSearch id sender..

Check iPhone iOS Version


a more reliable method of checking whether a particular feature or class is available. For example you can check if UIPopoverController is available on the current device using NSClassFromString if NSClassFromString @ UIPopoverController Do something Some.. you can check if UIPopoverController is available on the current device using NSClassFromString if NSClassFromString @ UIPopoverController Do something Some classes like CLLocationManager and UIDevice provide methods to check device capabilities if CLLocationManager..

UIPopOverController for iPhone (currently only available for iPad)


iPhone popup menu like iPad popover?


Are there examples of how to use UIPopoverController on iOS?


there examples of how to use UIPopoverController on iOS I've seen some demos where UIPopoverController is used and would like to use it in my apps. So does anyone have.. there examples of how to use UIPopoverController on iOS I've seen some demos where UIPopoverController is used and would like to use it in my apps. So does anyone have any good tutorials that you could link me Is it possible.. ios ipad uipopovercontroller share improve this question Here are some tutorials iPad for iPhone Developers 101 UIPopoverController Tutorial iPad App Video iPad App Tutorial UIPopoverController Segmented Popover Using a UISegmentedControl in the footer..

How can I get the selected text frame from a UITextView


can I get the selected text frame from a UITextView I'm trying to display an UIPopoverController from the rect of a selected text in an UITextView How can I get the selected text CGRect Thanks iphone ios cocoa touch..

How to use UIImagePickerController in iPad?


iphone ipad uiimagepickercontroller share improve this question UIImagePickerController must be presented with UIPopoverController on iPad. if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad UIPopoverController popover UIPopoverController.. be presented with UIPopoverController on iPad. if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad UIPopoverController popover UIPopoverController alloc initWithContentViewController picker popover presentPopoverFromRect self.selectedImageView.bounds.. on iPad. if UIDevice currentDevice userInterfaceIdiom UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad UIPopoverController popover UIPopoverController alloc initWithContentViewController picker popover presentPopoverFromRect self.selectedImageView.bounds inView self.selectedImageView..

UIPopoverController not dismissed when opened from self.navigationItem (inside UINavigationController)


on the navigationBar. Yes I could have expected that. Thanks a lot for help nobi iphone ios uinavigationcontroller uipopovercontroller dismiss share improve this question http stackoverflow.com a 12874772 1455770 after presenting a popover from a bar..

How to activate UIPopoverControl on iPhone?


to have some sample code or a simple explanation on how to port UIPopoverControl to iPhone. Thanks in advance iphone uipopovercontroller popover share improve this question Hi for PopoverView in iPhone use this bellow Demo with Custom PopUpView.. SNPopup..

UIPopoverController for iphone not working?


self.view permittedArrowDirections UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated YES can any one help me iphone objective c uipopovercontroller share improve this question As stated in Apple's documentation on UIPopoverController Popover controllers are for use..

Setting the “title” of a UIPopoverController?


above the content view e.g. the Tools popover in iWork . How can I add this in my own popovers Thanks. iphone ipad uipopovercontroller share improve this question If you're using a UIPopoverController just make its contentViewController to be a UINagivationController..

How to add a view on top of a UIPopoverController


view to appear on top of the popover but this seems like overkill. Is there a better solution iphone ipad z index uipopovercontroller share improve this question Got it. UIWindow works fine. Code when drag starts draggingView UIWindow alloc initWithFrame..

Code is exectuting but the view is not loading when called form a function?


page. What is the problem OR is there anyother way to make the view change in mainView by using the popover iphone uipopovercontroller share improve this question You need to have refernce of the background view controller in the popover controller. In..

Popover with embedded navigation controller doesn't respect size on back nav


as it pops through the view stack. Am I missing something Thanks. iphone ipad uiviewcontroller uinavigationcontroller uipopovercontroller share improve this question Ok I was struggling with the same issue. None of the above solutions worked for me pretty..

Retain/release pattern for UIPopoverController, UIActionSheet, and modal view controllers?


animated YES Can someone point me to explicit documentation on this subject iphone uiviewcontroller uiactionsheet uipopovercontroller share improve this question UIPopoverViewController has a slight different memory management owning. Present a popover..

UIPopoverController w/ UINavigationController Subview contentSizeForViewInPopover doesnt work on Parent


Anyone know how resize the view with UIPopoverControllers in the above scenario Thanks in Advance iphone resize uipopovercontroller share improve this question I had the same problem but none of the above solutions worked for me. However in trying..

Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_UIPopoverController


citybikes.app citybikes I really hope someone can help me. Best regards Paul Peelen iphone ipad iphone sdk 3.1 uipopovercontroller share improve this question Even if they're not loaded in runtime those files are still processed in linking. The symbol..

Drag-n-Drop from UIPopoverController to other UIView


confused with the pan UIGestureRecognizers and where they will be implemented. Thanks Umer iphone ipad uiview uipopovercontroller uigesturerecognizer share improve this question You have to deal with two view controllers one that's in the background..

Using a UISegmentedControl in the footer of UIPopoverController


iPad you can see the same technique in the footer of the Bookmarks popover in Maps. iphone ipad uisegmentedcontrol uipopovercontroller hig share improve this question What you need is to set the toolbarItems of your top UIViewController in your UIPopover..

UIPopOverController for iPhone (currently only available for iPad)


something similar of the UIPopOverController for the iPhone . This is so far only available for iPad. iphone ios4 uipopovercontroller share improve this question See my implementation here https github.com werner77 WEPopover It has the same interface..

Transparent UIPopover


to present a popover so that the view beneath it will still be partially visible. Any ideas iphone ios ipad uikit uipopovercontroller share improve this question popoverController.contentViewController.view.alpha 0.5 alpha is an property of an UIView..

iPhone popup menu like iPad popover?


like a popover in ipad EDIT This is the best at moment https github.com runway20 PopoverView iphone objective c ipad uipopovercontroller popover share improve this question Have a look at the iPhone UIPopoverController implementation WEPopover share improve..

Are there examples of how to use UIPopoverController on iOS?


popover windows are summoned when different segments are selected as a type of a switch view function iphone ios ipad uipopovercontroller share improve this question Here are some tutorials iPad for iPhone Developers 101 UIPopoverController Tutorial iPad..

UIPopoverController does not dismiss when clicking on the NavigationBar


And is there a way to resolve it I have tried to search but can't find anything about this. Thanks in advance. iphone uipopovercontroller share improve this question UIPopoverController seems to add the navigation bar to its passthroughViews array when it..

Displaying a UIDatePicker inside of a UIPopover


self.view permittedArrowDirections UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated YES iphone objective c cocoa touch datepicker uipopovercontroller share improve this question Is there a reason you couldn't just use a UIToolbar UIToolbar toolbar UIToolbar alloc initWithFrame..

How can I get the selected text frame from a UITextView


rect of a selected text in an UITextView How can I get the selected text CGRect Thanks iphone ios cocoa touch ipad uipopovercontroller share improve this question I think UITextInput selectedTextRange and UITextInput caretRectForPosition is what you are..