

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uirectfill

iPhone - Draw transparent rectangle on UIView to reveal view beneath


something like this void drawRect CGRect rect Start by filling the area with the blue color UIColor blueColor setFill UIRectFill rect Assume that there's an ivar somewhere called holeRect of type CGRect We could just fill holeRect but it's more efficient.. we're being asked to draw. CGRect holeRectIntersection CGRectIntersection holeRect rect UIColor clearColor setFill UIRectFill holeRectIntersection If you're using Interface builder make sure to change the holey view's class to HoleyView. You can..

What's the correct code to save a CGLayer as a PNG file?


notepadContext set the colors CGContextSetRGBFillColor notepadContext 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 draw rects UIRectFill CGRectMake x y w h draw ovals filled stroked or whatever you wish UIBezierPath d UIBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect CGRectMake..

Programmatically creating Views in IOS (how does it work)?


if self nslog @ initialized return self void drawRect CGRect rect CGRect bounds self bounds UIColor grayColor set UIRectFill bounds CGRect square CGRectMake 10 10 10 100 UIColor blackColor set UIRectFill square UIColor redColor set UIRectFill square.. self bounds UIColor grayColor set UIRectFill bounds CGRect square CGRectMake 10 10 10 100 UIColor blackColor set UIRectFill square UIColor redColor set UIRectFill square NSLog @ drawRect called @end The polygonView is being initialized but the.. UIRectFill bounds CGRect square CGRectMake 10 10 10 100 UIColor blackColor set UIRectFill square UIColor redColor set UIRectFill square NSLog @ drawRect called @end The polygonView is being initialized but the drawRect isn't being called. iphone objective..

Recreate recipient bubble behaviour in Mail.app / Three20


image should have a white background UIColor clearColor set CGRect myRect CGRectMake 0.0f 0.0f SIDELENGTH SIDELENGTH UIRectFill myRect self.color set Drawing code CGSize textSize self.text sizeWithFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize UIFont systemFontSize..

iOS - How to achieve emboss effect for the text on UILabel?


rect CGPointZero mask.size UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions rect.size NO mask.scale UIColor blackColor setFill UIRectFill rect CGContextClipToMask UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext rect mask.CGImage CGContextClearRect UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext rect..

Draw glow around inside edge of multiple CGPaths


UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions rect.size NO mask.scale Fill the entire image with color. color setFill UIRectFill rect Now erase the masked part. CGContextClipToMask UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext rect mask.CGImage CGContextClearRect UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext..

Custom UIPageControl view, replacing dots with “Page X of Y”


image red int i CGRect rect const CGFloat kSpacing 10.0 iRect self.bounds if self.opaque self.backgroundColor set UIRectFill iRect if self.hidesForSinglePage self.numberOfPages 1 return red UIImage imageNamed @ circle_graphic_red.png grey UIImage..