

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uiroundedrectbutton

iPhone: Override UIButton buttonWithType to return subclass


Thanks iphone uibutton subclass share improve this question UIButton buttonWithType returns a UIButton or a UIRoundedRectButton depending on the value of the type parameter. As UIButton doesn't provide an initWithType method I believe it would be dangerous..

Subclass UIButton to add a property


MyButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeRoundedRect btn.property SomeDataForTheProperty From where i obtain this error UIRoundedRectButton setProperty unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x593e920 Thus from ButtonWithType i obtain a UIRoundedRectButton and.. UIRoundedRectButton setProperty unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x593e920 Thus from ButtonWithType i obtain a UIRoundedRectButton and Mybutton can't cast it... What i have to do to obtain a MyButton object is init the unique solution Thank you iphone..

When using drawRect for UIButton subclass


UIButtonTypeRoundedRect NSLog @ myButton type @ myButton description You will find the type returned in the log to be UIRoundedRectButton . The problem with that is you would need to have extended UIRoundedRectButton . That is not possible as it is a private.. find the type returned in the log to be UIRoundedRectButton . The problem with that is you would need to have extended UIRoundedRectButton . That is not possible as it is a private class which is only ever returned to UIButton. On top of that UIRoundedRectButton.. . That is not possible as it is a private class which is only ever returned to UIButton. On top of that UIRoundedRectButton is not the only possible returned class all of which are private. In other words UIButton was built in manner that is not..