

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:22

iphone Programming Glossary: uireferencelibraryviewcontroller

dictionaryHasDefinitionForTerm issues in xcode 4.5


issues in xcode 4.5 fourLetterWord @ isdjfiodjof if UIReferenceLibraryViewController dictionaryHasDefinitionForTerm fourLetterWord self.display.text fourLetterWord return else fourLetterWord @ This string.. objective c ios6 xcode4.5 share improve this question I just had the same issue and start working around it. UIReferenceLibraryViewController dictionaryHasDefinitionForTerm fourLetterWord method doensn't work in the simulator for some reasons Apple need to fix it... method doensn't work in the simulator for some reasons Apple need to fix it. BUT if you TEST YOUR APP IN THE DEVICE UIReferenceLibraryViewController dictionaryHasDefinitionForTerm fourLetterWord method runs and gives you the right result. it's kinda slow though. hope helps...

intercept copy, paste, define popover in UIWebView


SEL action withSender id sender if action @selector myDefine Make sure we are on iOS5.x if NSClassFromString @ UIReferenceLibraryViewController return UIReferenceLibraryViewController dictionaryHasDefinitionForTerm webView selectedText Implement other custom actions.. action @selector myDefine Make sure we are on iOS5.x if NSClassFromString @ UIReferenceLibraryViewController return UIReferenceLibraryViewController dictionaryHasDefinitionForTerm webView selectedText Implement other custom actions here return NO selectedText is here.. implement myDefine void myDefine UIMenuController menuController CGRect selectedWordFrame webView rectForSelectedText UIReferenceLibraryViewController dict UIReferenceLibraryViewController alloc initWithTerm webView selectedText UIPopoverController popover UIPopoverController..