

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uirefreshcontrol

Pull to refresh UITableView without UITableViewController


add a refresh control directly to a UITableView without using a UITableViewController use this code void viewDidLoad UIRefreshControl refreshControl UIRefreshControl alloc init refreshControl addTarget self action @selector refresh forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged.. to a UITableView without using a UITableViewController use this code void viewDidLoad UIRefreshControl refreshControl UIRefreshControl alloc init refreshControl addTarget self action @selector refresh forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged self.tableView..

UIRefreshControl iOS 6 xcode


iOS 6 xcode Does anyone have a short example of how to implement the new UIRefreshControl into xcode. I have a UITableViewController.. iOS 6 xcode Does anyone have a short example of how to implement the new UIRefreshControl into xcode. I have a UITableViewController which displays Tweets want to be able to pull down and refresh. iphone xcode.. share improve this question You can just set it up in your viewDidLoad if you have a UITableViewController UIRefreshControl refreshControl UIRefreshControl alloc init refreshControl addTarget self action @selector refresh forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged..

UIRefreshControl in Landscape


in Landscape I've got a UIRefreshControl at the top of my table. The screen is in landscape. The trouble is I can't pull.. in Landscape I've got a UIRefreshControl at the top of my table. The screen is in landscape. The trouble is I can't pull down far enough in order to trigger the.. improve this question The way you can adjust how far you have to pull is by altering the height of the UITableView . UIRefreshControl adjusts its maximum distortion height proportionally to the height of the tableView. If you can't change the height of the..

What properties can I set via an UIAppearance proxy?


UIColor trackTintColor @property nonatomic retain UIImage progressImage @property nonatomic retain UIImage trackImage UIRefreshControl iOS 6.0 @property nonatomic retain UIColor tintColor @property nonatomic retain NSAttributedString attributedTitle UISearchBar..