

java Programming Glossary: scrollbars

JScrollPane resize containing JPanel when scrollbars appear


resize containing JPanel when scrollbars appear I have a small problem when using JScrollPane in my..

Android - How to make all lines in an edittext underlined?


layout_height fill_parent android padding 5dp android scrollbars vertical android fadingEdge vertical android gravity top android..

Drawing a Component to BufferedImage causes display corruption


causes the splitter to no longer be rendered and the scrollbars to not be visible they appear white . If I resize the JFrame.. If I attempt to use the navigator or interact with the scrollbars they become visible but the splitter remains white. It's as..

Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to.


screen. The size and speed of this ball can be changed via scrollbars. The user can press and drag the mouse on the screen to draw..

What does it mean: The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field?


and border. m_resultArea.setText Enter more text to see scrollbars JScrollPane scrollingArea new JScrollPane m_resultArea scrollingArea.setBorder..

JTable horizontal scrollbar in Java


a JScrollPane and set the policy for the existence of scrollbars new JScrollPane myTable JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED..

Java/swing: console component?


that acts as a GUI console which has a text area with scrollbars that can be set to a particular font has an InputStream and..

Slide JPanel Content in a JForm on Java


size. Then you add the panel to a scrollpane without any scrollbars. The size of the scrollpane will need to be set to the size..

Setting the maximum size of a JDialog?


the JPanel up to a certain size and then start growing scrollbars. This is more or less what happens by default except the maximum..