

java Programming Glossary: sdf

How to transform currentTimeMillis to a readable date format?


work. long yourmilliseconds 1119193190 SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat MMM dd yyyy HH mm Date resultdate new Date..

Java SimpleDateFormat for time zone with a colon seperator?


wtf null return null Date retval null for SimpleDateFormat sdf FORMATS try sdf.setLenient false retval sdf.parse wtf System.out.println.. null Date retval null for SimpleDateFormat sdf FORMATS try sdf.setLenient false retval sdf.parse wtf System.out.println Date.. sdf FORMATS try sdf.setLenient false retval sdf.parse wtf System.out.println Date wtf hit on pattern sdf.toPattern..

How to convert current date into string in java?


now Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT_NOW return sdf.format cal.getTime.. sdf new SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT_NOW return sdf.format cal.getTime Taken from here share improve this answer..

how can i change the date format in java


12 08 2010 String newDateString SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat OLD_FORMAT Date d sdf.parse oldDateString.. sdf new SimpleDateFormat OLD_FORMAT Date d sdf.parse oldDateString sdf.applyPattern NEW_FORMAT newDateString.. SimpleDateFormat OLD_FORMAT Date d sdf.parse oldDateString sdf.applyPattern NEW_FORMAT newDateString sdf.format d share improve..

How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields


map in Facelets ui repeat value # subjectDynamicField var sdf rendered # not empty subjectDynamicField id dynamicField h2.. id dynamicField h2 class title a href # # sdf.title a h2 div class tightPanel fieldset class fieldSet style.. style border 0 margin bottom 0.7em ui repeat value # sdf.fields var df s label # df.fieldKey s label h inputText value..

Synchronizing access to SimpleDateFormat


required public String formatDate Date d SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd return sdf.format d Option 2.. sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd return sdf.format d Option 2 Create an instance of SimpleDateFormat as.. but synchronize access to it. private SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd public String formatDate Date..

How can I increment a date by one day in Java?


the trick String dt 2008 01 01 Start date SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd Calendar c Calendar.getInstance.. yyyy MM dd Calendar c Calendar.getInstance c.setTime sdf.parse dt c.add Calendar.DATE 1 number of days to add dt sdf.format.. dt c.add Calendar.DATE 1 number of days to add dt sdf.format c.getTime dt is now the new date share improve this..

Why dec 31 2010 returns 1 as week of year?


For instance Calendar c Calendar.getInstance DateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat dd MM yyyy c.setTime sdf.parse 31 12 2010.. DateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat dd MM yyyy c.setTime sdf.parse 31 12 2010 out.println c.get Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR Prints.. void main String args throws ParseException DateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat dd MM yyyy Date lastDec2010 sdf.parse 31..

problem formatting fields in a JTable - differences between Integer and Double


new java.util.Date private SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat dd.MM.yyyy standard continental EU date.. dateWithOutTime cal.getTime String nullTimeForDateString sdf.format dateWithOutTime try dateWithOutTime sdf.parse nullTimeForDateString.. sdf.format dateWithOutTime try dateWithOutTime sdf.parse nullTimeForDateString catch ParseException ex row.add..

Android: how to get the current day of the week (Monday, etc…) in user language?


the current day of the week e.g. Monday SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat EEEE Date d new Date String dayOfTheWeek..

java convert milliseconds to date


1322018752992 Nov 22 2011 9 25 52 PM SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd HH mm ss SSS Locale.US GregorianCalendar.. yourmilliseconds System.out.println GregorianCalendar sdf.format calendar.getTime DateTime jodaTime new DateTime yourmilliseconds..

How to set color to a certain row if certain conditions are met using java?


formatter.format count txtNo.setText no SimpleDateFormat sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance.. Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance String expDateString sdf.format cal.getTime .toString for int i 0 i tableSummary.getRowCount..