

java Programming Glossary: sector

Convert .c to .java


and Q codes for a block static void ecc_generate ecc_uint8 sector int zeroaddress ecc_uint8 address 4 i Save the address and zero.. and zero it out if zeroaddress for i 0 i 4 i address i sector 12 i sector 12 i 0 Compute ECC P code ecc_computeblock sector.. it out if zeroaddress for i 0 i 4 i address i sector 12 i sector 12 i 0 Compute ECC P code ecc_computeblock sector 0xC 86 24..

Implementation of X-modem protocol in Java


an SOH blocknum ~blocknum data and checksum. It uses a sector size of 128. Those together make up the standard XModem protocol.. to retry one block protected final int SECSIZE 128 cpm sector transmission block protected final int SENTIMOUT 30 timeout.. checksum index blocknumber errorcount byte character byte sector new byte SECSIZE int nbytes DataInputStream foo foo new DataInputStream..

JFreechart Loop through polar chart sectors


Loop through polar chart sectors I have the following code to method loop throug the sectors.. I have the following code to method loop throug the sectors of a polar plot but the method is being called several times.. as if it was in a loop. I want to create a series on each sectors of the plot the sector being defines by the axis tick unit..