

java Programming Glossary: secondly

jcombobox filter in java - Look and feel independent


leads to flickering etc. We can modify the model itself. Secondly you set the currently entered text as selected item which seems..

Tracking down a memory leak / garbage-collection issue in Java.


of data but not much in the way of how to interpret it. Secondly I tried the eclipse based memory analysis tool http www.eclipse.org..

accessing variables and swing components through different threads


declared it as volatile I dont know if its a good practice Secondly there is a jLabel in Controller class named lblAltitude i wish..

How to get address of a Java Object?


can move over time for one thing. You don't need it. Secondly it's slightly hard to follow your explanation but you certainly..

How to dynamically add JLabels to JPanel?


the layout will place the components like you want. Secondly when dynamically adding a component to a layout you need to..

How to distribute AWTUtilities


changes in some of the native implementations as well. Secondly this is bound to change in Java 7 since the only release Sun..

In Java, why must equals() and hashCode() be consistent?


buckets . I've actually been asked this in an interview. Secondly returning to your original point if two objects are equal meaning..

How to use .jar files in NetBeans?


do I use this library in one of my own NetBeans projects Secondly generally speaking what is the distinction between the three..

Understanding max JVM heap size - 32bit vs 64bit


memory and why you only have max 1.5GB on Windows Secondly what then is the max heap size on 64 bit Windows and why is..

A simple scenario using wait() and notify() in java


make progress until the first thread has actually blocked. Secondly you need to put the condition you are checking in a while loop..

Type safety: Unchecked cast


String String getApplicationContext .getBean someMap Secondly the compiler is complaining that you cast the object to a HashMap..

How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device


MP3 encoder plugin here http www.tritonus.org plugins.html Secondly I would suggest looking into jzoom's libraries JLayer or JLayerME..

i18n with UTF-8 encoded properties files in JSF 2.0 appliaction


for each language. The files is in UTF 8 encoding. Secondly I've defined the default and supported locales in faces config.xml..

Performance considerations for keySet() and entrySet() of Map


about the standard API implementation from Sun Oracle. Secondly if you're concerned about performance when iterating through..

Java Swing or Java Qt? [closed]


whether you would use Swing or Qt under Java and why Secondly what is the business impact of using Qt Is it reasonably popular..

What do < and > mean such as implements Comparable<BigInteger>?


check and a cast in your method's implementation. Secondly the compiler can do a lot more type checking at compile time..

Casting variables in Java


String o str Integer str Integer o Compilation fails here Secondly if they're in the same hierarchy but still an invalid cast then..

Optimising Android application before release [closed]


my application work. It runs fine no errors whatsoever . Secondly I have read Designing for Performance on Android developers..

Why are interfaces preferred to abstract classes?


the positive things about interfaces this is a MUST. Secondly I would say that interfaces are better in many scenarios but..