

java Programming Glossary: sel

Change behavior of JTable key actions


through cell using the directional arrows. Now I want to select the cell instead of start editing and edit the cell only.. table.getActionMap .put solve new EnterAction final String sel Sel KeyStroke arrow KeyStroke.getKeyStroke KeyEvent.VK_LEFT.. JTable.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT .put arrow sel table.getActionMap .put sel new LeftAction Oh i almost forgot..

How to get the project name in eclipse?


navigator ResourceNavigator parts i StructuredSelection sel StructuredSelection navigator.getTreeViewer .getSelection .. .getSelection IResource resource IResource sel.getFirstElement activeProject resource.getProject break String..

How to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection?


to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection I want to build JTree which has nodes that contain check.. which has nodes that contain check box icon data and tree selection algorithm. java swing jtree share improve this question.. also AddCheckBoxToTree.CheckTreeManager class to manage selection or semi selection options. Use public AddCheckBoxToTree.CheckTreeManager..

JTree: Set custom open/closed icons for individual groups


JTree tree Object value boolean selected boolean expanded boolean leaf int row boolean hasFocus.. JTree tree Object value boolean sel boolean exp boolean leaf int row boolean hasFocus DefaultMutableTreeNode.. super.getTreeCellRendererComponent tree value sel exp leaf row hasFocus return this See also this related example..

Updating ImageIcon in JTree without repainting the Tree?


attribute of UserObject of a TreeNode . Originally when I select a node the icon changes. I am using Tree.revalidate Tree.repaint.. JTree tree Object value boolean sel boolean exp boolean leaf int row boolean hasFocus super.getTreeCellRendererComponent.. hasFocus super.getTreeCellRendererComponent tree value sel exp leaf row hasFocus YourMutableTreeNode node YourMutableTreeNode..