

java Programming Glossary: select

Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet


you can use Javascript for this let the servlet get the selected item of the 1st dropdown as request parameter let it obtain.. doGet method of the Servlet associated with the JSP page. select name dd1 onchange submit c forEach items dd1options var option.. var option option value option.key param.dd1 option.key 'selected' '' option.value option c forEach select select name dd2 onchange..

How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet?


share improve this question Introduction To browse and select a file for upload you need a HTML input type file field in the.. regular form field input type text radio checkbox etc select etc . String fieldname item.getFieldName String fieldvalue..

What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers?


a completely own API. It gives you the possibility to select elements using jQuery like CSS selectors and provides a slick.. the possibility to select elements using jQuery like CSS selectors and provides a slick API to traverse the HTML DOM tree to.. document Jsoup.connect url .get Element question document.select #question .post text p .first System.out.println Question question.text..

Swing: link toggle buttons together with a button group, along with corresponding menu items


. Furthermore I want it so that when you select one of the toolbar buttons it deselects the other ones selects.. it so that when you select one of the toolbar buttons it deselects the other ones selects the appropriate menu item and deselects.. one of the toolbar buttons it deselects the other ones selects the appropriate menu item and deselects the other menu items...

How to use Servlets and Ajax?


the following function with Ajax response JSON... var select '#someselect' Locate HTML DOM element with ID someselect ... function with Ajax response JSON... var select '#someselect' Locate HTML DOM element with ID someselect . select.find 'option'.. select '#someselect' Locate HTML DOM element with ID someselect . select.find 'option' .remove Find all child elements with..

How can I put a control in the JTableHeader of a JTable?


the default renderer is a JCheckBox . It's easy enough to select individual cells based on a user selection but it may be convenient.. easy enough to select individual cells based on a user selection but it may be convenient to select all or none of the check.. based on a user selection but it may be convenient to select all or none of the check boxes too. These recent examples mentioned..

PreparedStatement IN clause alternatives?


a list of values. Consider the following SQL statement SELECT my_column FROM my_table where search_column IN Using preparedStatement.setString..

How to turn off the Eclipse code formatter for certain sections of Java code?


of maintenance. So instead of something like String query SELECT FOO BAR BAZ FROM ABC WHERE BAR 4 I have something like String.. FROM ABC WHERE BAR 4 I have something like String query SELECT FOO BAR BAZ FROM ABC WHERE BAR 4 This style makes the SQL much.. to respect it as well STOP ECLIPSE FORMATTING String query SELECT FOO BAR BAZ FROM ABC WHERE BAR 4 START ECLIPSE FORMATTING Obviously..

How to get the insert ID in JDBC?


invoke a CallableStatement with a RETURNING clause or a SELECT CURRVAL sequencename or whatever DB specific syntax to do so..

ResultSet to Pagination


values and overflows correctly You can do it with help of SELECT count id . Then fire a specific SQL query to retrieve a sublist.. and OFFSET clauses private static final String SQL_SUBLIST SELECT id username job place FROM contact ORDER BY id LIMIT d OFFSET.. should look like private static final String SQL_SUBLIST SELECT id username job place FROM SELECT id username job place FROM..

How to retrieve and display images from a database in a JSP page?


varchar 255 UNIQUE. private static final String SQL_FIND SELECT content contentType contentLength FROM Image WHERE name protected..

Java connectivity with MySQL


stmt conn.createStatement ResultSet rs stmt.executeQuery SELECT ID FROM USERS ... rs.close stmt.close conn.close share improve..

JSP using MVC and JDBC


statement connection.prepareStatement SELECT id name description price FROM product resultSet statement.executeQuery..

CSRF, XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF


user controlled input into SQL strings like so String sql SELECT FROM user WHERE username ' username ' AND password md5 password.. ' username ' AND password md5 password String jpql SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.username ' username ' AND u.password md5.. use parameterized queries where applicable. String sql SELECT FROM user WHERE username AND password md5 String jpql SELECT..

How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate]


public Cursor getTestData try String sql SELECT FROM myTable Cursor mCur mDb.rawQuery sql null if mCur null..

How to maintain JTable cell rendering after cell edit


text for editing as described in @camickr's article Table Select All Editor . package overflow import java.awt.Component import.. JTable table Object value boolean isSelected int row int column textField.setText value null formatter.format..

How to change highlighting color in Java Swing TextArea? And also, change the beginning of text corresponding to the highlighting location


nBlabla nBlabla nBlabla nBlabla nBlabla n textArea.setSelectionColor Color.RED frame.add pane frame.setSize 300 120 frame.setDefaultCloseOperation.. ActionEvent ae String text null text tarea.getSelectedText if text null text.length 0 int startIndex tarea.getText.. JOptionPane.OK_OPTION String colour String cbox.getSelectedItem try if colour colourNames 0 System.out.println..

How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable


JTable table Object value boolean isSelected boolean hasFocus int row int column if value null return null.. JTable table Object value boolean isSelected int row int column if value null return null button JRadioButton.. tableColumnNamesPhone new Object 3 tableColumnNamesPhone 0 Select tableColumnNamesPhone 1 Phone Number tableColumnNamesPhone 2..

Browse for image file and display it using Java Swing


ActionEvent e browseButtonActionPerformed e JLabel lblSelectTargetPicture new JLabel Select target picture.. JButton btnDetect.. e JLabel lblSelectTargetPicture new JLabel Select target picture.. JButton btnDetect new JButton Detect btnDetect.addActionListener.. .addGroup gl_panel.createSequentialGroup .addComponent lblSelectTargetPicture .addGap 6 .addComponent btnBrowse .addGroup..

Java user.home is being set to %userprofile% and not being resolved


4. Right click on Shell Folders and choose Export. 5. Select the Desktop as the destination and enter Shell Folders for the.. window and select File Import from the main menu. 8. Select Shell Folders.reg and click Open. 9. Close the registry editor..

Can't run JUnit 4 test case in Eclipse Android project


thread Right click on the project run run configuration Select your Junit project Go to the classpath tab remove the Android..

How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields


list that I later transform to List String to be used with SelectMany CheckMany etc Type type Type.TEXT default transient Boolean.. value # df.fieldValue rendered # df.type 'TEXTAREA' Select one h selectOneRadio title # df.fieldKey label # df.fieldKey.. messages 'no' itemValue # false h selectBooleanCheckbox Select many h selectManyMenu value # df.choicesSelected rendered #..

Where can I find a Java to C# converter?


with at least Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition. Select File Open Convert Java Language Conversion Assistant. Remember..

Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk [closed]


steps this might help you out Go to Project Properties Select Android from left hand side list Uncheck the Is Library checkbox..

JTable how prepareEditor works


TableWithCheckBoxOrBlank private Object columns new Object Select Name Rule Mail Include Phone private Object data false Bill.. e if e.getColumn 0 if Boolean table.getValueAt table.getSelectedRow 0 table.setValueAt Boolean.FALSE table.getSelectedRow.. 0 table.setValueAt Boolean.FALSE table.getSelectedRow 2 table.repaint JScrollPane scroll new JScrollPane..

How do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell


JTable table Object value boolean isSelected boolean hasFocus int row int column if isSelected setForeground.. isSelected boolean hasFocus int row int column if isSelected setForeground table.getSelectionForeground super.setBackground.. int row int column if isSelected setForeground table.getSelectionForeground super.setBackground table.getSelectionBackground..

List of useful environment settings in Java


new BorderLayout 5 5 final JLabel output new JLabel Select a tree leaf to see the details. panel.add output BorderLayout.SOUTH.. tree new JTree treeModel tree.setRootVisible false tree.getSelectionModel .setSelectionMode TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION.. tree.setRootVisible false tree.getSelectionModel .setSelectionMode TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION tree.addTreeSelectionListener..

Access restriction on class due to restriction on required library rt.jar?


properties. Remove the JRE System Library Add it back Select Add Library and select the JRE System Library. The default worked..

Eclipse/Java code completion not working


The Eclipse help page defines the default list to restore Select the proposal kinds contained in the 'default' content assist..

Drawing rectangle on a JPanel


405 140 80 30 colors.setVisible true file1 new JLabel Select Color file1.setBounds 320 130 150 50 defining the Button Group.. cb JComboBox ae.getSource selectedcolor String cb.getSelectedItem System.out.println selectedcolor selectedcolor_reset selectedcolor.. selectedcolor System.out.println SELECTED cb.getSelectedIndex canvas.repaint addWindowListener new WindowAdapter..