

java Programming Glossary: sdcard

How to parse XML in Android


output like String id 3 String name str1 String path mnt sdcard path2 String type 2 String desc des3 How can I accomplish this.. in android Thanks. xmldump mfs id 3 name str1 path mnt sdcard path2 type 2 desc des3 mfs id 1 name st2 path mnt sdcard path1.. sdcard path2 type 2 desc des3 mfs id 1 name st2 path mnt sdcard path1 type 2 desc des2 mfs id 2 name stvr3 path mnt sdcard path3..

Permission to write to the SD card


this question You're right that the SD Card directory is sdcard but you shouldn't be hard coding it. Instead make a call to..

How to render PDF in Android


@Override public void onClick View v File file new File sdcard example.pdf if file.exists Uri path Uri.fromFile file Intent..

Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file


activity Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat sdcard Android data com.myapp files image.jpg typ image flg 0x3800000..

Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog


connection.getInputStream output new FileOutputStream sdcard file_name.extension byte data new byte 4096 long total 0 .. url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream sdcard BarcodeScanner debug.apk byte data new byte 1024 long total..

Android file uploader with server-side php


setContentView R.layout.main String exsistingFileName sdcard uploader data testfile String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens..

Android write to sd card folder


means that the file will always write to the root mnt sdcard . Is it possible to specify a certain folder to write the file.. a certain folder to write the file to For example mnt sdcard myapp downloads Cheers Eef java android http download android.. downloads Cheers Eef java android http download android sdcard share improve this question File sdCard Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..

How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device


if I can encode this PCM data as a mp3 to save to the sdcard. The MediaRecorder object can encode audio coming from the microphone..

Upload a picture from Android to PHP server


DataInputStream inStream null String exsistingFileName sdcard def.jpg Is this the place are you doing something wrong. String..

Email from internal storage


the error is file attachment path must point to file mnt sdcard. Ignoring attachment file ... java android email share improve.. Next we need to work around Gmail's insistence on the mnt sdcard or implementation specific equivalent path Uri uri Uri.fromFile.. specific equivalent path Uri uri Uri.fromFile new File mnt sdcard .. .. getFilesDir xmlFilename At least on my modified Gingerbread..

Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android


FileOutputStream f new FileOutputStream new File sdcard 3.flv InputStream in c.getInputStream byte buffer new byte..

How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android?


like this each line is a new command . adb shell rm r sdcard osmdroid . adb shell mkdir sdcard osmdroi . adb push ~ path.. command . adb shell rm r sdcard osmdroid . adb shell mkdir sdcard osmdroi . adb push ~ path to your mapnik.zip sdcard osmdroid.. mkdir sdcard osmdroi . adb push ~ path to your mapnik.zip sdcard osmdroid Depending on the size of the map and the speed of the..