

javascript Programming Glossary: activexobject

How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server


ajax new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject ajax new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP ajax.open 'POST' 'testSave.php'.. new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject ajax new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP ajax.open 'POST' 'testSave.php' false ajax.setRequestHeader..

how do I access XHR responseBody (for binary data) from Javascript in IE?


new XMLHttpRequest Mozilla Safari IE7 window.ActiveXObject new ActiveXObject MSXML2.XMLHTTP IE6 null Commodore 64 xml.open.. XMLHttpRequest Mozilla Safari IE7 window.ActiveXObject new ActiveXObject MSXML2.XMLHTTP IE6 null Commodore 64 xml.open GET url true if.. VBScript but does require a separate COM object. if typeof ActiveXObject undefined typeof httpRequest.responseBody undefined Convert..

jQuery won't parse xml with nodes called option


doc parser.parseFromString text text xml else if window.ActiveXObject doc new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLDOM doc.async false doc.loadXML.. text text xml else if window.ActiveXObject doc new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLDOM doc.async false doc.loadXML text else throw..

jQuery Selector + SVG Incompatible?


JavaScript detect an AJAX event


new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange function if xmlhttp.readyState.. any clue how to well basically prototype extend overload ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP . This is what I am currently researching...does..

javascript garbage collection


object such as a DOM element or something created via new ActiveXObject instead of a JavaScript object. So for instance if you put a..

Access denied to jQuery script on IE


doesn't provide responseXml so if you need it var dom new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLDOM dom.async false dom.loadXML xdr.responseText..

Call php function from javascript


browsers req new XMLHttpRequest catch e IE try req new ActiveXObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e try an older version try req new ActiveXObject.. Msxml2.XMLHTTP catch e try an older version try req new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP catch e return false if req return false..

Can I load an entire HTML document into a document fragment in Internet Explorer?


html Error expected but I tried it anyway var doc new ActiveXObject htmlfile doc.write html doc.close JavaScript executes I've also.. are less likely to leak memory contrary to the htmlfile ActiveXObject . The IFrame becomes invisible and is appended to the document..

Reading file contents on the client-side in javascript in various browsers


function ieReadFile filename try var fso new ActiveXObject Scripting.FileSystemObject var fh fso.OpenTextFile filename..

How to make an ajax call without jquery?


new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP xmlhttp.onreadystatechange function if xmlhttp.readyState..

How to connect to SQL server database from javascript?


want to do this here is an example var connection new ActiveXObject ADODB.Connection var connectionstring Data Source server Initial.. SQLOLEDB connection.Open connectionstring var rs new ActiveXObject ADODB.Recordset rs.Open SELECT FROM table connection rs.MoveFirst..

How can I read the client's machine/computer name from the browser?


following function GetComputerName try var network new ActiveXObject 'WScript.Network' Show a pop up if it works alert network.computerName..