

javascript Programming Glossary: actually

What is the difference between a function expression vs declaration in Javascript? [duplicate]


right javascript share improve this question They're actually really similar. How you call them is exactly the same but the..

How to get the selected value of dropdownlist using JavaScript?


.value Would make strUser be 2 . If what you actually want is test2 then do this var e document.getElementById ddlViewBy..

Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON


question Preliminaries In JavaScript there are only two actually one data types which can contain other data types objects and..

Most efficient way to clone an object?


documentation . I also want to note that the deep copy is actually much smarter than what is shown above it's able to avoid many..

Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element?


your selector or you are trying to select them before they actually exist . An added twist is when jQuery is not found because you..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


Wrong the .live method is extremely slow. The .live method actually hooks its events to the document object which means that the..

Elegant workaround for JavaScript floating point number problem


BigDecimal for JavaScript which is not elegant at all but actually solves the problem rather than providing an imperfect workaround...

How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background?


of jQuery like functions what are they Directives are actually extensions of HTML . If HTML doesn't do something you need it..

How to “properly” create a custom object in JavaScript?


the method won't be the Circle instance as expected it'll actually be the global window object causing widespread debugging woe..

What is JSONP all about?


javascript json jsonp share improve this question It's actually not too complicated... Say you're on domain abc.com and you..

How can you encode a string to Base64 in JavaScript?


it will probably break . This isn ™t a problem if you ™re actually treating the string as a byte array but if you ™re trying to..

How to get caret position in textarea?


Plugin it allows you to do that and much more... Edit I actually re implemented the above code function getCaret el if el.selectionStart..

JavaScript “this” keyword


Once you start getting used to this the rules are actually pretty simple. The ECMAScript Standard defines this as a keyword..

XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


file have limited support for CORS. Make sure the browser actually supports CORS . Opera and Internet Explorer are late to the..

What does the exclamation mark do before the function?


is a statement you need a separate invocation of foo to actually run the function. On the other hand function foo is an expression..

Is JavaScript 's “new” Keyword Considered Harmful? [closed]


name as unlike the previous example it has no need to actually instantiate the object therefore it can be copied into each..

Self-references in object literal declarations


one time initialization of the object. Note that you are actually assigning the return value of init to foo therefore you have..

How does JavaScript .prototype work?


remember a lot talk I had with people a while back I'm not actually sure what the hell I'm doing. As I understand it there's no..

.prop() vs .attr()


.attr checked checked ... if #cb .is checked ... This is actually the simplest thing in the world to do with the checked Boolean..

Checking if an associative array key exists in Javascript


arrays associative array share improve this question Actually checking for undefined ness is not an accurate way of testing..

Is native PHP support for Web Sockets available?


in the right direction for PHP implementation would help. Actually the tutorial has a broken link to phpwebsockets...is this the..

ExecJS::RuntimeError on Windows trying to follow rubytutorial


Host JScript from github.com sstephenson execjs#execjs 3 Actually fixing the issue Learning Use the knowledge of options 1 and..

Javascript SetTimeout and Loops [duplicate]


Need to use Javascript only because of knowledge purpose. Actually I am trying to clear my concepts about this closure in javascript...

How does AJAX work?


as Google did with GMail 2004 and Google Maps 2005 . Actually both sites contributed heavily to the promotion of AJAX. A picture..

onbeforeunload support detection


work if window.onbeforeunload alert 'yes' else alert 'no' Actually it only checks whether some handler has been attached to the..

Multiple left-hand assignment with JavaScript


variable assignment share improve this question Actually var var1 1 var2 1 var3 1 is not equivalent to var var1 var2.. alert window.var2 undefined bad alert window.var2 1. Aggh Actually this shows that assignment are right associative. The bad example..

Create a custom callback in JavaScript


implement this javascript share improve this question Actually your code will pretty much work as is just declare your callback..

disable f5 and browser refresh using javascript


I want to disable browser refresh using javascript. Actually i am using window.onbeforeonload abd i don't want it will be..

Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping


Javascript .keyCode vs. .which?


you can reliably use which as jQuery standardizes things . Actually I think you can reliably use either with jQuery . More here...

Why is there a `null` value in JavaScript?


object. It's not even if typeof null will yield 'object' Actually both are primitive values which means neither undefined nor..

Coordinating parallel execution in node.js


pass it to the shared_callback function. Additional answer Actually even as is that fork function can already pass arguments to..

Pass a JS variable to a PHP variable


by Google maps and I need to save it in a MySQL database. Actually I have the variable script ... var lugar results 0 .geometry.location..

JavaScript: Can I detect IE9 if it's in IE7 or IE8 compatibility mode?


9 ie8 compatibility mode share improve this question Actually the user agent string is different for IE9 when being run in.. no matter whether it says MSIE 7.0 MSIE 8.0 or MSIE 9.0. Actually you should check out this great compilation Browser ID User..

can jquery ajax call external webservice?


and specifying a callback in the url like so callback Actually all you need is the question mark as the param value the param..

How can jQuery behave like an object and a function?


as selector length etc... jQuery.fn.removeClass function Actually via jQuery.fn.extend ... method logic... ...lots of other stuff.....