

javascript Programming Glossary: myconstructor.prototype

Prototype keyword in Javascript


what is the difference in these two MyConstructor.age 30 MyConstructor.prototype.age 30 In short would appreciate a better understanding of keyword.. of that class function MyConstructor name this.name name MyConstructor.prototype print function return this.name var mc new MyConstructor foo.. You can define more than just functions in prototype s too MyConstructor.prototype.age 30 alert mc.age alerts 30 Watch out when you do this to..

[[Prototype]] vs prototype: ..what is the difference? (MyCons.__proto__ === MyCons.prototype) equals FALSE


MyConstructor's Prototype is Function.prototype not MyConstructor.prototype. In other non standard console.log able words MyConstructor.__.. able words MyConstructor.__ proto__ is not MyConstructor's MyConstructor.prototype TRY THIS function MyConstructor MyConstructor.__proto__ MyConstructor.prototype.. TRY THIS function MyConstructor MyConstructor.__proto__ MyConstructor.prototype false why Why is this so Can someone explain it to me the difference..