

javascript Programming Glossary: myerror

What's a good way to extend Error in JavaScript?


handling share improve this question Try function MyError Error.apply this arguments MyError.prototype new Error MyError.prototype.constructor.. question Try function MyError Error.apply this arguments MyError.prototype new Error MyError.prototype.constructor MyError MyError.prototype.name.. Error.apply this arguments MyError.prototype new Error MyError.prototype.constructor MyError MyError.prototype.name 'MyError'..

Inheriting from the Error object - where is the message property?


while defining custom error objects in Javascript function MyError msg Error.call this msg this.name MyError MyError.prototype.__proto__.. function MyError msg Error.call this msg this.name MyError MyError.prototype.__proto__ Error.prototype var error new Error.. function MyError msg Error.call this msg this.name MyError MyError.prototype.__proto__ Error.prototype var error new Error message..