

javascript Programming Glossary: mylatlng

Google Maps API V3 not rendering competely on tabbed page using Twitter's Bootstrap


window 'resize' function map.setCenter homeLatlng var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng 37.4419 122.1419 var myOptions zoom 13.. 37.4419 122.1419 var myOptions zoom 13 center myLatlng mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP var map new google.maps.Map.. window 'resize' function map.setCenter homeLatlng var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng 37.4419 122.1419 var myOptions zoom 13..

Google Maps Api v3 Maps in Ui-Tabs are cut


and longitude numbers from earlier on in tutorial. var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng 40.654372 7.914174 var myLatlng1 new.. var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng 40.654372 7.914174 var myLatlng1 new google.maps.LatLng 43.654372 7.914174 var myOptions zoom.. 43.654372 7.914174 var myOptions zoom 16 center myLatlng mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP var myOptions1 zoom..

Settimeout to avoid over_query-limit


code function fetchData lat lng type '#placedata' .empty myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng parseFloat lat parseFloat lng map new.. 'map' mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP center myLatlng zoom 10 var request location myLatlng radius 50000 types type.. center myLatlng zoom 10 var request location myLatlng radius 50000 types type var service new google.maps.places.PlacesService..

Google MAP API v3: Center & Zoom on displayed markers


improve this question did you try adding zoom 10 center myLatlng to your marker object I've also find this fix that zooms to..

Google Maps V3: Only show markers in viewport - Clear markers issue


to setup the map options function initialize var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng 51.25503952021694 3.27392578125 var myOptions.. 3.27392578125 var myOptions zoom 8 center myLatlng mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP var map new google.maps.Map..

Google Maps infoWindow only loading last record on markers


Load the Google Map with Options function initialize var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng 42.48019996901214 90.670166015625 var.. 90.670166015625 var myOptions zoom 6 center myLatlng mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP var map new google.maps.Map..

Add Marker function with Google Maps API


Standard google maps function function initialize var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng 40.779502 73.967857 var myOptions zoom.. 40.779502 73.967857 var myOptions zoom 12 center myLatlng mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP map new google.maps.Map.. Standard google maps function function initialize var myLatlng new google.maps.LatLng 40.779502 73.967857 var myOptions zoom..

Google Map API V3 - Click on Marker show more info content as overlay (like in Google Maps)


function initialize data Make position for center map var myLatLng new google.maps.LatLng data.lng data.lat Map options var myOptions.. data.lng data.lat Map options var myOptions zoom 10 center myLatLng mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID Initiate map map new..

Google Map API v3 ??set bounds and center


for var i 0 i locations.length i var beach locations i var myLatLng new google.maps.LatLng beach 1 beach 2 var marker new google.maps.Marker.. beach 1 beach 2 var marker new google.maps.Marker position myLatLng map map shadow shadow icon image shape shape title beach 0 zIndex.. for each marker extend your bounds object bounds.extend myLatLng map.fitBounds bounds API google.maps.LatLngBounds share improve..

google maps move marker with lat/lng from ajax success returned data


with lat long coords from sql db. function initialize var myLatLng new google.maps.LatLng 41 14 var myOptions zoom 16 center myLatLng.. new google.maps.LatLng 41 14 var myOptions zoom 16 center myLatLng scrollwheel false panControl true zoomControl true mapTypeControl.. myOptions marker new google.maps.Marker position myLatLng map map draggable false google.maps.event.addDomListener window..

Google MAP API v3: Center & Zoom on displayed markers


map var latLngs .each locations.markers function i m var myLatLng new google.maps.LatLng m.latitude m.longitude latLngs i myLatLng.. new google.maps.LatLng m.latitude m.longitude latLngs i myLatLng var marker new google.maps.Marker position myLatLng map map.. i myLatLng var marker new google.maps.Marker position myLatLng map map shadow shadow icon image shape shape title m.city zIndex..

Multiple Google Maps infowindow


var i 0 i locations.length i var office locations i var myLatLng new google.maps.LatLng office 1 office 2 var marker new google.maps.Marker.. 1 office 2 var marker new google.maps.Marker position myLatLng map map icon image title office 0 zIndex office 3 var contentString.. an infowindow. var marker new google.maps.Marker position myLatLng map map icon image title office 0 zIndex office 3 var contentString..

Google Maps Polyline: Mark the two Polyline coordinates that contain the clicked LatLng


script script type text javascript function initialize var myLatLng new google.maps.LatLng 0 180 var myOptions zoom 2 center myLatLng.. new google.maps.LatLng 0 180 var myOptions zoom 2 center myLatLng mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN var map new google.maps.Map.. 1 a var d R c return parseFloat d function initialize var myLatLng new google.maps.LatLng 0 180 var myOptions zoom 2 center myLatLng..

JADE + EXPRESS: Iterating over object in inline JS code (client-side)?


this script type 'text javascript' function initialize var myLatLng new google.maps.LatLng 0 180 var myOptions zoom 3 center myLatLng.. new google.maps.LatLng 0 180 var myOptions zoom 3 center myLatLng mapTypeId google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN var map new google.maps.Map..