

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:44

jquery Programming Glossary: cupertino

Get List of jQuery UI themes - from an URL (same-origin-policy)


list ul li class themes el ui state highlight data theme cupertino cupertino li li class themes el data theme hot sneaks hot sneaks.. li class themes el ui state highlight data theme cupertino cupertino li li class themes el data theme hot sneaks hot sneaks li li..

Are there hosted jQuery UI themes anywhere? [duplicate]


Uncompressed Minified Microsoft CDN Uncompressed Minified cupertino Google CDN Uncompressed Minified Microsoft CDN Uncompressed..

Reading XML data from ASMX webservice for Jquery autocomplete


http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jqueryui 1.8.11 themes cupertino jquery ui.css script type text javascript src https ajax.googleapis.com..

Trouble getting unobtrusive validation working with mvc 3 on jquery ajax post


My page source has link href DartsMVC Content themes cupertino jquery ui 1.8.14.custom.css rel stylesheet type text css script..

Downloading jQuery UI CSS from Google's CDN


jquery ui.min.js Themes Uncompressed black tie blitzer cupertino dark hive dot luv eggplant excite bike flick hot sneaks humanity.. lightness and vader . Themes Compressed black tie blitzer cupertino dark hive dot luv eggplant excite bike flick hot sneaks humanity..

Updating a Highchart from a form with a click() event in jquery


for your help. Libraries link type text css href css cupertino jquery ui 1.8.16.custom.css rel stylesheet script type text..

Get List of jQuery UI themes - from an URL (same-origin-policy)


theme. Right now the list is hard coded as below div id theme list ul li class themes el ui state highlight data theme cupertino cupertino li li class themes el data theme hot sneaks hot sneaks li li class themes el data theme smoothness smoothness.. now the list is hard coded as below div id theme list ul li class themes el ui state highlight data theme cupertino cupertino li li class themes el data theme hot sneaks hot sneaks li li class themes el data theme smoothness smoothness li li class..

Are there hosted jQuery UI themes anywhere? [duplicate]


Microsoft CDN Uncompressed Minified blitzer Google CDN Uncompressed Minified Microsoft CDN Uncompressed Minified cupertino Google CDN Uncompressed Minified Microsoft CDN Uncompressed Minified dark hive Google CDN Uncompressed Minified Microsoft..

Reading XML data from ASMX webservice for Jquery autocomplete


jQuery to ASMX title link rel Stylesheet type text css href http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jqueryui 1.8.11 themes cupertino jquery ui.css script type text javascript src https ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.5.2 jquery.min.js script script..

Trouble getting unobtrusive validation working with mvc 3 on jquery ajax post


true add key UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled value true appSettings My page source has link href DartsMVC Content themes cupertino jquery ui 1.8.14.custom.css rel stylesheet type text css script src DartsMVC Scripts modernizr 1.7.min.js type text javascript..

Downloading jQuery UI CSS from Google's CDN


Compressed http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jqueryui 1.10.3 jquery ui.min.js Themes Uncompressed black tie blitzer cupertino dark hive dot luv eggplant excite bike flick hot sneaks humanity le frog mint choc overcast pepper grinder redmond smoothness.. street start sunny swanky purse trontastic ui darkness ui lightness and vader . Themes Compressed black tie blitzer cupertino dark hive dot luv eggplant excite bike flick hot sneaks humanity le frog mint choc overcast pepper grinder redmond smoothness..

Updating a Highchart from a form with a click() event in jquery


so close to doing what I need to but I'm stumped by this. Thanks for your help. Libraries link type text css href css cupertino jquery ui 1.8.16.custom.css rel stylesheet script type text javascript src js jquery 1.6.2.min.js script script type text..