

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:44

jquery Programming Glossary: currentmousepos.x

Web Page Source Annotation Tool


function Click is started clicking true Tool bar to add 'body' .append div id 'root' style 'position absolute left currentMousePos.x px top currentMousePos.y px display block ' a id 'univ' href 'javascript void 0 ' nbsp a a id 'addr' href 'javascript void.. nbsp a div document .mouseup function event if selecting He is selecting text #root .attr style position absolute left currentMousePos.x px top currentMousePos.y px display block else He just clicked #root .attr style display none Reset counters clicking false.. if clicking He did not simply click but he is selecting some text selecting true Track current position to put toolbar currentMousePos.x event.pageX currentMousePos.y event.pageY div #addr .click function Get Selected text var selection document.getSelection..

JQuery empty() vs remove()


How to get mouse position in jQuery without mouse-events?


you can query the stored information. jQuery function var currentMousePos x 1 y 1 document .mousemove function event currentMousePos.x event.pageX currentMousePos.y event.pageY ELSEWHERE your code that needs to know the mouse position without an event if.. currentMousePos.y event.pageY ELSEWHERE your code that needs to know the mouse position without an event if currentMousePos.x 10 .... But almost all code other than setTimeout code and such runs in response to an event and most events provide the..