

php Programming Glossary: file_ext

codeigniter multiple file upload


upload file_type strtolower CI upload file_type CI upload file_ext CI upload get_extension _FILES field 'name' i Convert the file.. file_name 'size' CI upload file_size 'ext' CI upload file_ext 'image_type' imageVar image_type 'height' imageVar height.. file_size 'type' CI upload file_type 'ext' CI upload file_ext For debugging if strlen error_hold i 1 print_r error_hold..

PHP image upload security check list


filename 'php' if pos false die 'error' get the file ext file_ext strrchr filename '.' check if its allowed or not whitelist array.. or not whitelist array .jpg .jpeg .gif .png if in_array file_ext whitelist die 'not allowed extension please upload images only'.. uploaddir . md5 basename _FILES 'my_files' 'name' . file_ext if move_uploaded_file _FILES 'my_files' 'tmp_name' uploadfile..

echo problems in PHP


row 'employee_name' info pathinfo file_name file_ext info 'extension' count count 1 echo count if _SESSION..

how can convert $files contain to array?


upload file_type strtolower CI upload file_type CI upload file_ext CI upload get_extension _FILES field 'name' i Convert the file.. file_name 'size' CI upload file_size 'ext' CI upload file_ext 'image_type' imageVar image_type 'height' imageVar height.. file_size 'type' CI upload file_type 'ext' CI upload file_ext For debugging if strlen error_hold i 1 print_r error_hold..