

php Programming Glossary: fill_form

Merge FDF data into a PDF file using PHP


attachment filename Download.pdf ' passthru pdftk file.pdf fill_form data.fdf output exit It was much easier than I thought it would.. file to no longer be editable use passthru pdftk file.pdf fill_form data.fdf output flatten Apologies if this is basic stuff just..

How to pass variables as stdin into command line from PHP


to use pdftk from the command line is pdftk blankform.pdf fill_form formdata.xfdf output filledform.pdf to use streams on the command.. on the command line you'd enter pdftk blankform.pdf fill_form output I have a couple of problems 1 I have gotten pdftk to.. file instead of stdin like so exec pdftk blankform.pdf fill_form formdata.xfdf output pdf_output file_put_contents filledform.pdf..

Filling PDF Forms with PHP [closed]


line from php and the command is pdftk formfile.pdf fill_form fieldinfo.fdf output outputfile.pdf flatten You will need to..