

php Programming Glossary: file_name

codeigniter multiple file upload


CI upload file_temp _FILES field 'tmp_name' i CI upload file_name CI upload _prep_filename _FILES field 'name' i CI upload file_size.. Sanitize the file name for security CI upload file_name CI upload clean_file_name CI upload file_name Remove white.. file name for security CI upload file_name CI upload clean_file_name CI upload file_name Remove white spaces in the name if CI upload..

How to force download of a file?


improve this question You could try something like this file_name 'file.avi' file_url 'http www.myremoteserver.com ' . file_name.. 'file.avi' file_url 'http www.myremoteserver.com ' . file_name header 'Content Type application octet stream' header Content.. Binary header Content disposition attachment filename . file_name. readfile file_url exit I just tested it and it works for me...