

php Programming Glossary: file_path

How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode?


require_once '.. .. .. .. wp load.php' array file _POST 'file_path' file path in _POST as from the js r rand 0 count array 1 return.. file path to the ajax loaded php as a _POST variable data file_path ajaxParams.filePath beforeSend function ajaxLoadingScreen true..

A PHP script to let users download a file from my website without revealing the actual file link in my website?


instance php id intval _GET 'id' query mysql_query 'SELECT file_path FROM files WHERE id ' . id if row mysql_fetch_row query false..

Curl PHP File Upload


so want it to be reusable. So this works function call_me file_path home myfile.mov url http myurl.com this post_file url file_path.. home myfile.mov url http myurl.com this post_file url file_path function post_file url file_path data 'Filedata' @ . file_path.. this post_file url file_path function post_file url file_path data 'Filedata' @ . file_path ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL..

Forced downloading large file with php


header Content Disposition attachment filename . basename file_path . header Content Length . content_length header Content Transfer.. public' header 'Expires 0' Change this part handle fopen file_path 'rb' while feof handle echo fread handle 4096 ob_flush flush..

Why this code is not working on linux server?


Check in subfolders too function find_file dirname fname file_path dir opendir dirname while file readdir dir if empty file_path.. dir opendir dirname while file readdir dir if empty file_path file '.' file '..' if is_dir dirname.' '. file find_file dirname.'.. dirname.' '. file find_file dirname.' '. file fname file_path else if file_exists dirname.' '. fname file_path dirname.'..

Facebook: php upload photo and post on wall


_FILES 'uploadedfile' 'name' . has been uploaded . br file_path target_folder . _FILES 'uploadedfile' 'name' arr array arr image.. 'uploadedfile' 'name' arr array arr image '@' . realpath file_path try post_id facebook api . uid. feed post arr if isset post_id..

Libpuzzle Indexing millions of pictures?


INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY name TEXT description TEXT file_path TEXT NOT NULL url_path TEXT NOT NULL signature TEXT NOT NULL.. image_id GROUP BY i.image_id i.name i.description i.file_path i.url_path i.signature ORDER BY strength DESC You could improve..

Upload Photo To Album with Facebook's Graph API


'message' 'Photo Caption' args 'image' '@' . realpath FILE_PATH data facebook api ' me photos' 'post' args print_r data 2 Upload.. 'message' 'Photo Caption' args 'image' '@' . realpath FILE_PATH data facebook api ' '. ALBUM_ID . ' photos' 'post' args print_r..

How can I upload photos to album using Facebook Graph API


'message' 'Photo Caption' args 'image' '@' . realpath FILE_PATH data facebook api ' me photos' 'post' args print_r data 2 Target.. 'message' 'Photo Caption' args 'image' '@' . realpath FILE_PATH data facebook api ' '. ALBUM_ID . ' photos' 'post' args print_r.. 'message' 'Photo Caption' args 'image' '@' . realpath FILE_PATH data facebook api ' '. ALBUM_ID . ' photos access_token '. ACCESS_TOKEN..

How-To Upload Photos to facebook(graph api) with html file selector(input type=“file”)


array album_id '2179901265385' MY ALBUM ID upload my photo FILE_PATH 'HERE_I_NEED_THE_REAL_PATH_OF_THE_IMAGE' facebook setFileUploadSupport.. 'message' 'Photo Caption' args 'image' '@' . realpath FILE_PATH data facebook api ' '. album_id . ' photos access_token '. token.. e echo Error . e When I give a path to variable FILE_PATH eg FILE_PATH 'C My Documents My Pictures a.jpg' it works fine.But..