

php Programming Glossary: item_name

Paypal SandBox IPN always returns INVALID


curl_close ch assign posted variables to local variables item_name _POST 'item_name' item_number _POST 'item_number' payment_status.. posted variables to local variables item_name _POST 'item_name' item_number _POST 'item_number' payment_status _POST 'payment_status'..

PHP/MySQL - algorithm for “Top Rated”


the Top Rated items. For simplicity here are the columns item_name average_rating a decimal from 1 to 5 num_votes I'm trying to..

Hook AJAX in Wordpress


fyxt_wp_db_fatcow.fyxt_items.fyxt_item_name fyxt_wp_db_fatcow.fyxt_items.fyxt_item_description fyxt_wp_db_fatcow.fyxt_items.fyxt_item_cost.. idfyxt_items iName getItemDetailsResults fyxt_item_name iDesc getItemDetailsResults fyxt_item_description iCost getItemDetailsResults.. array idfyxt_item iID idfyxt_character charID item_name iName item_desc iDesc item_cost iCost item_weight iWeight..

Builing a cart with multiple items and the PayPal button in PHP


I used to add an item function add_item item_number item_name amount qty item number var inp1 document.createElement input.. input inp2.setAttribute type hidden inp2.setAttribute id item_name_ curitem inp2.setAttribute name item_name_ curitem inp2.setAttribute.. id item_name_ curitem inp2.setAttribute name item_name_ curitem inp2.setAttribute value item_name amount var inp3 document.createElement..

How can I use the array-format input field names in my HTML form that posts to PHP?


code to piece it back together that I think will work with item_name and item_description items_desc _POST item_description items_name.. items_desc _POST item_description items_name _POST item_name items array for i 0 i count items_name i items array name items_name..

automatically create buy now button paypal?


hidden name currency_code value USD input type hidden name item_name value Teddy Bear input type hidden name amount value 12.99 input..

Steps in implementing hashtable in PHP and Mysql


int 8 items_id_hash int 50 Items Table item_id int 5 item_name varchar 128 items_id_hash int 50 Create a hash function how..

Dynamic PayPal button generation - isn't it very unsecure?


hidden name currency_code value USD input type hidden name item_name value HTML book input type hidden name amount value 24.99 input..