

php Programming Glossary: iterates

How foreach actually works


described above is that foreach has to copy the array it iterates in many cases slow . But fear not I actually tried out removing..

Converting HTML to plain text in PHP for e-mail


. It uses PHP's DOM methods to load from HTML and then iterates over the resulting DOM to correctly output plain text. Example..

displaying a comparison table using php


button at the end of each row. I have created a loop with iterates through the whole table and jumps the next 'table' if the inner..

PHP: Check if URL redirects?


make a PHP function that is run from a exernal server and iterates through a number of set URLs array with URLs that is for each..

Peculiar Behaviour with PHP (5.3), static inheritance and references


how static properties are 'inherited'. zend_do_inheritance iterates the superclass static properties calling inherit_static_prop..

Help Using RegexIterator in PHP


this getFilename To put those into practice the following iterates recursively over the contents of the directory in which the..

Get date range between two dates excluding weekends


We add one day to the end date because the DatePeriod only iterates up to not including the end date. foreach new DatePeriod start..

Performance of FOR vs FOREACH in PHP


thus for while is faster PHPs foreach copies the array it iterates over to make it faster you need to use references code like..

List of events with a list of timestamps, grouped by hour in a tabular display, in PHP


formatting and sorting you appear to be doing this pattern iterates over each movie and uses a second foreach to iterate over the..

DOMNode replacement with PHP's DOM classes


createTextNode 'foo' node i Basically it just iterates backwards over the list of nodes so that when nodes are removed..

Compiling an AST back to source code


the visitor pattern you have some NodeTraverser that iterates recursively over all Nodes and calls a visit method of a Visitor..

How do I add more than one row with Zend_Db?


createRow adds one row to the rowset rowset addRow row iterates over the set of rows calling save on each row rowset save It..

PHP: How to populate a directory structure in an array


on server. I have got a recursive php function that iterates through every file and folder there is. What I can't figure..