

php Programming Glossary: itemrss

Parsing XML using PHP


array foreach doc getElementsByTagName 'item' as node itemRSS array 'title' node getElementsByTagName 'title' item 0 nodeValue.. 'pubDate' item 0 nodeValue array_push arrFeeds itemRSS Now I want to get the media content and media thumbnail url..

XML Feeds & PHP - Limit the number of items


array foreach doc getElementsByTagName 'item' as node itemRSS array 'title' node getElementsByTagName 'title' item 0 nodeValue.. 'pubDate' item 0 nodeValue h2 a href php echo itemRSS 'link' php echo itemRSS 'title' a h2 php Thanks in advance.... 0 nodeValue h2 a href php echo itemRSS 'link' php echo itemRSS 'title' a h2 php Thanks in advance.. php xml arrays share..