

php Programming Glossary: itemid

Possible to use multiple/nested MySQLi statements?


item magic if stmt2 link prepare INSERT INTO summaries itemID summary VALUES stmt2 bind_param is itemID itemSummary stmt2.. INTO summaries itemID summary VALUES stmt2 bind_param is itemID itemSummary stmt2 execute stmt2 close php mysql mysqli share..

Passing MySQL data to Modal Form via PHP


mysql_query query while info mysql_fetch_array result itemID info 'itemID' Link one of many I've abbreviated this section.. query while info mysql_fetch_array result itemID info 'itemID' Link one of many I've abbreviated this section div class 'row.. aria hidden true button h3 id myModalLabel php echo info 'itemID' h3 div div class modal body form action 'pipelineEdit.php'..

Hook AJAX in Wordpress


' ajaxurl var data action 'addItemAJAX' charID cID itemID iID buyItem buy console.log 'data ' data console.log data.. global wpdb charID intval _POST 'charID' itemID intval _POST 'itemID' buyItem intval _POST 'buyItem' get item.. wpdb charID intval _POST 'charID' itemID intval _POST 'itemID' buyItem intval _POST 'buyItem' get item details getItemDetailsSQL..

Sending PHP json_encode array to jQuery


.click function .post 'myCalculator.php' qid itemID function response div.calculation_value .show 500 .html response..

Joomla : how to get the url of a specific Menu itemID?


how to get the url of a specific Menu itemID Friends a newbie question.........I need help in getting the.. need help in getting the URL of a specific Menu itemID. The situation is like this I am running Joomla and asking for.. ID. I want to do something else with this URL of the Menu itemID. How can I get the URL of this Menu itemID provided by the user..

Send json post using php


itemKind 0 value 1 description 'Boa sauda žo.' itemID '03e76d0a 8bab 11e0 8250 000c29b481aa' and I need to post into.. 'itemKind' 0 'value' 1 'description' 'Boa sauda žo.' 'itemID' '03e76d0a 8bab 11e0 8250 000c29b481aa' json json_encode data..

php warning mysql_fetch_assoc


function getmusicfiles m_id music select from music WHERE itemid . s_id result getQuery music l return result php mysql share..

Joomla : how to get the url of a specific Menu itemID?


help. php url menu joomla share improve this question itemid JRequest getVar 'Itemid' application JFactory getApplication.. getApplication menu application getMenu item menu getItem itemid link new JURI item link link setVar 'ItemId' itemid Source http.. itemid link new JURI item link link setVar 'ItemId' itemid Source http forum.joomla.org viewtopic.php p 1836005 share..

HTML Element Array, name=“something[]” or name=“something”?


and PHP http www.ajaxprojects.com ajax tutorialdetails.php itemid 343 It said about put the array in name property and how the..

JQuery UI Saving Sortable List


ul id itemsort li id Item_1 Item input type hidden name itemid value itemsRowID01 li li id Item_2 Item input type hidden name.. itemsRowID01 li li id Item_2 Item input type hidden name itemid value itemsRowID02 li li id Item_3 Item input type hidden name.. itemsRowID02 li li id Item_3 Item input type hidden name itemid value itemsRowID03 li li id Item_4 Item input type hidden name..