

php Programming Glossary: iterator_to_array

How to sort a xml file using DOM


DOMNode elements in the DOMNodeList to an array. books iterator_to_array booklist Second your sorting function is using the wrong API..

How does RecursiveIteratorIterator work in PHP?


dir unicodeTreePrefix lines echo path n implode n iterator_to_array lines The RecursiveTreeIterator is intended to work line by.. dir unicodeTreePrefix lines echo path n implode n iterator_to_array lines These fragments including unicodeTreePrefix are part of..

Caching readdir()


time else info new stdClass info readDir array_map strval iterator_to_array new FilesystemIterator path FilesystemIterator SKIP_DOTS info.. time else info new stdClass info readDir array_map strval iterator_to_array new FilesystemIterator path FilesystemIterator SKIP_DOTS info..

Evaluating MongoDB-like JSON Queries in PHP


iterator RecursiveIteratorIterator LEAVES_ONLY print_r iterator_to_array iteratorIterator Array name Kindle Fire HD sale 1 gt 30 lt 3..

Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation


loops i d collection find array release.year 2013 print_r iterator_to_array d PHP with SPL class profiling code include 'data.php' include..

Why does GlobIterator produce a different output than the glob function?


But when I do glob new GlobIterator '. ' print_r iterator_to_array glob The result is just Array with no items in the array. Can.. ' print_r glob1 glob2 new GlobIterator path . ' ' print_r iterator_to_array glob2 Output Array 0 . test fake.png 1 . test php logo virus.jpg.. ' print_r glob1 glob2 new GlobIterator path . ' ' print_r iterator_to_array glob2 Output Array 0 C lab stackoverflow test fake.png 1 C lab..

PHP convert XML to JSON group when there is one child


function and the JsonSerializable interface as well as iterator_to_array . Even if you're using the older PHP 5.3 version the following.. return this value array this value 'users' iterator_to_array value 'users' user FALSE return name value All elements that.. will be named and it's users are flattened by the iterator_to_array function. And that is all you need to do. Again the usage example..

What are the “$ns” and “$is_prefix” parameters about?


new SimpleXMLElement ' root a b c root ' var_dump count iterator_to_array xml #int 3 By default the iterator has three elements here a.. ' root a b c root ' 0 FALSE ns 1 var_dump count iterator_to_array xml #int 0 The iteration now has zero elements because the root.. ' root xmlns ns 1 a b c root ' 0 FALSE ns 1 var_dump count iterator_to_array xml #int 3 Same as if the children itself are in the namespace..

Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP


insert a heap insert b heap insert c echo implode PHP_EOL iterator_to_array heap Output c b a SplMaxHeap The SplMaxHeap class provides the..

PHP SPL RecursiveDirectoryIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator retrieving the full tree


array of fileObjects without the foreach by doing files iterator_to_array iterator If you only want directories returned foreach over..

Get all Work Days in a Week for a given date


DateInterval createFromDateString ' 1 weekdays' 4 print_r iterator_to_array nextFiveWeekDays Note that DatePeriod is an Iterator so unless..

Turning multidimensional array into one-dimensional array


a RecursiveArrayIterator you can use to flatten it flat iterator_to_array new RecursiveIteratorIterator new RecursiveArrayIterator array..