

python Programming Glossary: artist

Closing pyplot windows


is a handle to the line2D instance. This is called an artist. If I want to change a property of the line like change the..

Matplotlib Legends not working


matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x3a30810 Use proxy artist instead. http matplotlib.sourceforge.net users legend_guide.html#using.. users legend_guide.html#using proxy artist warnings.warn Legend does not support s nUse proxy artist instead... artist warnings.warn Legend does not support s nUse proxy artist instead. n nhttp matplotlib.sourceforge.net users legend_guide.html#using..

Matplotlib runs out of memory when plotting in a loop


self.renderer File C Python25 lib site packages matplotlib artist.py line 46 in draw_wr apper draw artist renderer kl File C Python25.. matplotlib artist.py line 46 in draw_wr apper draw artist renderer kl File C Python25 lib site packages matplotlib figure.py.. renderer File C Python25 lib site packages matplotlib artist.py line 46 in draw_wr apper draw artist renderer kl File C Python25..

Text box in matplotlib?


as mpl fig event.canvas.figure # Cycle through all artists in all the axes in the figure for ax in fig.axes for artist.. in all the axes in the figure for ax in fig.axes for artist in ax.get_children # If it's a text artist wrap it... if isinstance.. fig.axes for artist in ax.get_children # If it's a text artist wrap it... if isinstance artist mpl.text.Text autowrap_text..

Is there a matplotlib equivalent of MATLAB's datacursormode?


mpldatacursor.datacursor will enable it for all matplotlib artists including basic support for z values in images etc . As far.. __call__ self event self.event event # xdata ydata event.artist.get_data # self.x self.y xdata event.ind ydata event.ind self.x.. widget that displays the x y location of a matplotlib artist when it is selected. def __init__ self artists tolerance 5 offsets..

How to create a legend for 3D bar in matplotlib?


share improve this question You need to use a proxy artist where legends are not supported. This code from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d..

Python mysql with variables


some_dictionary_with_the_data 'name' 'awesome song' 'artist' 'some band' etc... cursor.execute INSERT INTO Songs SongName.. SongAlbum SongGenre SongLength SongLocation VALUES name s artist s album s genre s length s location s some_dictionary_with_the_data..

matplotlib animating a scatter plot


10 10 10 # For FuncAnimation's sake we need to return the artist we'll be using # Note that it expects a sequence of artists.. artist we'll be using # Note that it expects a sequence of artists thus the trailing comma. return self.scat def data_stream self.. self.scat.set_array data 3 # We need to return the updated artist for FuncAnimation to draw.. # Note that it expects a sequence..