

python Programming Glossary: aspect

Why does “[] == False” evaluate to False when “if not []” succeeds?


with x True and x False specifically. The most convincing aspect to me is that is generally transitive so a b and b c implies..

How do I convert (or scale) axis values and redefine the tick frequency in matplotlib?


plt.figure figsize figsize plt.imshow thumb origin 'lower' aspect 'equal' plt.show ...so following on from this can I take each..

Plotting a curve with equidistant (arc-length) markers


into account in a way that also uses information about the aspect ratio of the final plot. I've not found a reliable way to do..

How to extend the comments framework (django) by removing unnecesary fields?


I'm at a loss. I couldn't find anything on this specific aspect. python django django comments share improve this question..

How do I protect Python code?


and remove the code that checks the license file. Another aspect is that my employer does not want the code to be read by our..

Any AOP support library for Python?


features are make reusable Aspect classes apply multiple aspects to an instance or class unapply aspects to an instance class.. apply multiple aspects to an instance or class unapply aspects to an instance class add new attributes to an instance by using.. class add new attributes to an instance by using an aspect apply advice to all attributes of an instance class ... It also..

plotting results of hierarchical clustering ontop of a matrix of data in python


idx2 Z2 'leaves' D D idx1 D D idx2 im axmatrix.matshow D aspect 'auto' origin 'lower' cmap pylab.cm.YlGnBu axmatrix.set_xticks..

Matplotlib autoscale


'solid' plt.axes .add_collection lines plt.axes .set_aspect 'equal' 'datalim' plt.draw plt.show This creates a plot however.. pts1 pts2 linestyles 'solid' subplt fig.add_subplot 111 aspect 'equal' subplt.add_collection lines subplt.autoscale_view True..

Getting Python under control on Mac OS X - setting up environment and libraries


is generally not all that useful. Another positive aspect of using MacPorts or similar broad based distributor is that..

Text box in matplotlib?


strings any stretched fonts or fonts with an unusual aspect ratio. However it should now properly handle rotated text. However.. # Estimate the width of the new size in characters... aspect_ratio 0.5 # This varies with the font fontsize textobj.get_size.. with the font fontsize textobj.get_size pixels_per_char aspect_ratio renderer.points_to_pixels fontsize # If wrap_width is..

How to reliably guess the encoding between MacRoman, CP1252, Latin1, UTF-8, and ASCII


it and how successful were you This is the most important aspect of my question but I ™m also interested in whether you think..

Using only the DB part of Django


can be created independently of the models. But it is an aspect of the ORM that is not available unless you put some effort..

Why is it “Easier to ask forgiveness than permission” in python, but not in Java? [closed]


it is usually a bad idea to catch Exception. The second aspect of Catching NPE is code smell is that people typically resort..

Matplotlib so log axis only has minor tick mark labels at specified points. Also change size of tick labels in colorbar


ax 18 cbar fig.colorbar surf shrink 0.5 aspect 20 fraction .12 pad .02 cbar.set_label 'Activation' size 18.. ax 18 cbar fig.colorbar surf shrink 0.5 aspect 20 fraction .12 pad .02 cbar.set_label 'Activation' size 18.. 'both' length 8 width 2 cbar fig.colorbar surf shrink 0.5 aspect 20 fraction .12 pad .02 cbar.set_label 'Activation' size 18..

Creating a singleton in python


object pass class Logger Singleton pass An ironic aspect of this approach is that it's using subclassing to implement..

Flask user authentication


Python name mangling: When in doubt, do what?


reasons but no killing reason. This is mostly a cultural aspect of programming in Python. Frankly it could be the other way..