

python Programming Glossary: assertion

Match exactly N repetitions of the same character


in that you can't use backreferences in a lookbehind assertion. Lookbehind assertions are required to be constant length and.. use backreferences in a lookbehind assertion. Lookbehind assertions are required to be constant length and the compilers aren't.. the regex engine know exactly the width of the lookbehind assertion so it works in PCRE and re and so on. Of course a real world..

Why print statement is not pythonic? [closed]


that shows how deeply and badly wrong you were in your assertions On to your debating points There are other operators such as.. applies to assert . print was the only exception to this assertion in Python 2 by removing it from the roster of statements Python.. statements Python 3 removes an exception makes the general assertion just hold and therefore is a more regular language. Special..

Python's unittest and dynamic creation of test cases [duplicate]


they are also grouped into one test which aborts when an assertion fails. The way around this I thought would be to dynamically..

List comprehension vs generator expression's weird timeit results?


function calls. I suppose this confirms inspectorG4dget 's assertion that creating a generator comprehension has more native overhead..

python help >> modules gives segmentation fault - how to fix?


constants.py 24 Warning g_boxed_type_register_static assertion `g_type_from_name name 0' failed import gobject._gobject usr.. gtk __init__.py 40 Warning g_boxed_type_register_static assertion `g_type_from_name name 0' failed from gtk import _gtk python.. gtk import _gtk python 9642 CRITICAL pyg_register_boxed assertion `boxed_type 0' failed usr lib python2.7 dist packages gtk 2.0..

design of python: why is assert a statement and not a function?


tuple always evaluates to True and you get SyntaxWarning assertion is always true perhaps remove parentheses The correct way to.. second optional parameter is deferred until if when the assertion fails. Awkward to do that with functions and function arguments..

Encoding gives “'ascii' codec can't encode character ??ordinal not in range(128)”


'str' object in Python 2.X You can verify this with an assertion assert isinstance content str Once you know that that's true..

subprocess.Popen.stdout - reading stdout in real-time (again)


limited by available memory despite J.F. Sebastian's assertion to the contrary but is limited to a much smaller value. share..

Why does id({}) == id({}) and id([]) == id([]) in CPython?


mutable too assert id list1 id list2 assert id id # why no assertion error on this assert id id # or this assert id id I have a few..

Lazy logger message string evaluation


s' DoNotStr In the demo The logger.info call hit the assertion error while logger.debug did not get that far. share improve..

Regex: How to match sequence of key-value pairs at end of string


re.compile ' tag1 tag2 tag3 ' plus some look ahead assertion stuff would be a solution. I can't get it right though. How.. if ... doesn ™t match next. This is a negative lookahead assertion. For example Isaac Asimov will match 'Isaac ' only if it ™s not..

Writing video with OpenCV + Python + Mac


video with OpenCV Python Mac I keep getting an assertion error when I'm trying to write frames to video. The error I'm..

a Regex for extracting sentence from a paragraph in python


slightly more tricky and can be done using a look behind assertion sentenceEnders re.compile r''' . ' s s A Z ''' Note however..

sandboxing/running python code line by line


environment aiming for crude model checking or predicate assertion for instance. python dynamic programming languages development..