

python Programming Glossary: asd

Python 'startswith' equivalent for SqlAlchemy


would match when path_prefix equals abc ab abc 123 But not asd abc 123 456 789 kjk Is this possible with SqlAlchemy without..

Getting the value of href attributes in all <a> tags on a html file with Python


as soup html soup ' body a href 123 qwe a a href 456 asd a body ' print tag.attrMap 'href' for tag in html.findAll 'a'..

How can I concatenate a string and a number in Python?


Python multiprocessing: How can I RELIABLY redirect stdout from a child process?


connection for remote process conn l.accept conn.send 1 asd None print proc.stdout.readline subproc.py import multiprocessing.connection..

Removing duplicate strings from a list in python


strings from a list in python If I have a string list a asd def ase dfg asd def dfg how can I remove the duplicates from.. list in python If I have a string list a asd def ase dfg asd def dfg how can I remove the duplicates from the list python..