

python Programming Glossary: asks

Why isn't Python very good for functional programming?


share improve this question The question you reference asks which languages promote both OO and functional programming...

Python Formatter Tool


formatter share improve this question I am the one who asks the question. In fact the tool the closest to my needs seems..

How to answer to prompts automatically with python fabric?


I just run the command local my_command then it stops and asks me for input. When I type what is needed script continues to..

Sublime Text 2 console input


Text 2 but it won't let me enter any value when my code asks for user input. In other words input in Python and gets in Ruby..

Pythons many ways of string formatting ??are the older ones (going to be) deprecated?


formatting vs. .format treats only methods 1 and 2 and asks which one is better my question is explicitly about deprecation..

Run python script without DOS shell appearing


will not create a console output window for it unless it asks for one. This article discusses GUI programming with Python..

fabric password


password Every time fabric runs it asks for root password can it be sent along same for automated proposes...

Why the “mutable default argument fix” syntax is so ugly, asks python newbie


mutable default argument fix&rdquo syntax is so ugly asks python newbie Now following my series of python newbie questions..

Python Glade could not create GladeXML Object


name EDIT When you start a new project in glade it asks you if you want create a glade file or a GtkBuilder file which..

Accessing the underlying struct of a PyObject


do the type checking yourself. Edit the OP in a comments asks for the source... static PyObject set_point PyObject self PyObject..

I have a Python list of the prime factors of a number. How do I (pythonically) find all the factors?


Merge SQLite files into one db file, and 'begin/commit' question


toM It works well but in the referred site the questioner asks about speeding up and the answer is to use the 'begin' and 'commit'..

Python Fibonacci Generator


Fibonacci Generator I need to make a program that asks for the amount of fibonacci numbers printed and then prints..

Python/Scipy 2D Interpolation (Non-uniform Data)


equal you'd have a Regular Grid Now your current question asks what to do if not all the points are known. This is known as..

twisted conch filetransfer


a request over the channel to launch that subsystem. It asks for a reply so it can tell when that has succeeded or failed..

Twisted: Making code non-blocking


time for large numberin . If in the meantime another user asks for the primality of a small number is there a way to run the..

Creating a singleton in python


. When you call logger with Logger Python first asks the metaclass of Logger Singleton what to do allowing instance..

Is there a way to get your email address after authenticating with Gmail using Oauth?


Google account you're currently signed into simply and asks you to grant access to the web app. However it doesn't provide..

Python argparse and bash completion


generated. The best thing would be that the shell asks to my program at every TAB about what to complete but I have..

Adding a Method to an Existing Object


write actual code that way the now patched class method asks for an argument named self it doesn't automagically recognize..