

python Programming Glossary: cv.namedwindow

Perspective Warping in OpenCV based on know camera orientation


3 #Warps Image cv.WarpPerspective im dst X #Display cv.NamedWindow distorted cv.ShowImage distorted im cv.NamedWindow corrected.. cv.NamedWindow distorted cv.ShowImage distorted im cv.NamedWindow corrected cv.ShowImage corrected dst cv.WaitKey 0 cv.DestroyWindow..

How do I create an OpenCV image from a PIL image?


image cv.SetData cv_img pil_img.tostring pil_img.size 0 3 cv.NamedWindow pil2ipl cv.ShowImage pil2ipl cv_img A third approach would be..

Displaying webcam feed using opencv and python


someone can explain what im doing wrong. import cv cv.NamedWindow w1 cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE capture cv.CaptureFromCAM 0 def repeat.. a key to switching cameras in your repeat loop import cv cv.NamedWindow w1 cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE camera_index 0 capture cv.CaptureFromCAM..

How do I track motion using OpenCV in Python?


Target def __init__ self self.capture cv.CaptureFromCAM 0 cv.NamedWindow Target 1 def run self # Capture first frame to get size frame..

Python OpenCV: Detecting a general direction of movement?


Target def __init__ self self.capture cv.CaptureFromCAM 0 cv.NamedWindow Target 1 def run self # Capture first frame to get size frame..

Python and OpenCV. How do I detect all (filled)circles/round objects in an image?


radius center cv.Circle im center radius 0 0 255 3 8 0 cv.NamedWindow 'Circles' cv.ShowImage 'Circles' im cv.WaitKey 0 if __name__..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


cv import numpy as np WAITKEY_DELAY_MS 10 STOP_KEY 'q' cv.NamedWindow image press 'q' to quit cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cv.NamedWindow.. image press 'q' to quit cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cv.NamedWindow post process cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE key_pressed False while key_pressed..