

python Programming Glossary: cv.showimage

IplImage inside IplImage


sub cv.GetSubRect blue 100 100 50 50 cv.Copy red sub cv.ShowImage 'blue_red' blue cv.WaitKey 0 Alternatively as karlphillip suggests..

What are the correct usage/parameter values for HoughCircles in OpenCV for Iris detection?


storage cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT 2 10 32 200 minRad minRad 2 cv.ShowImage output grayImg while circles cv.DrawContours frame circles 0.. 2 32.0 30 550 draw_circles storage orig cv.ShowImage original with circles orig cv.WaitKey 0 Update I realise I somewhat..

Perspective Warping in OpenCV based on know camera orientation


im dst X #Display cv.NamedWindow distorted cv.ShowImage distorted im cv.NamedWindow corrected cv.ShowImage corrected.. cv.ShowImage distorted im cv.NamedWindow corrected cv.ShowImage corrected dst cv.WaitKey 0 cv.DestroyWindow distorted cv.DestroyWindow..

How do I create an OpenCV image from a PIL image?


pil_img.tostring pil_img.size 0 3 cv.NamedWindow pil2ipl cv.ShowImage pil2ipl cv_img A third approach would be to switch your OpenCV..

Displaying webcam feed using opencv and python


cv.CaptureFromCAM 0 def repeat frame cv.QueryFrame capture cv.ShowImage w1 frame while True repeat On an unrelated note I have noticed.. them now global camera_index frame cv.QueryFrame capture cv.ShowImage w1 frame c cv.WaitKey 10 if c n #in n key is pressed while the..

How do I track motion using OpenCV in Python?


color_image center_point 10 cv.CV_RGB 255 100 0 1 cv.ShowImage Target color_image # Listen for ESC key c cv.WaitKey 7 0x100..

Python OpenCV: Detecting a general direction of movement?


print 'Left' else print 'Right' # Display frame to user cv.ShowImage Target color_image # Listen for ESC or ENTER key c cv.WaitKey..

Python and OpenCV. How do I detect all (filled)circles/round objects in an image?


im center radius 0 0 255 3 8 0 cv.NamedWindow 'Circles' cv.ShowImage 'Circles' im cv.WaitKey 0 if __name__ '__main__' main share..

Finding shapes in an image using opencv


0 0 else color 0 0 255 0 cv.Rectangle rgb pt1 pt2 color 2 cv.ShowImage 'rgb' rgb cv.WaitKey 0 e.png y.png good bad Before anybody asks..

Performance comparison of OpenCV-Python interfaces, cv and cv2


cv.Set2D h j i k 0 0 t2 time.time t print time taken t2 cv.ShowImage 'img' h cv.WaitKey 0 The result is time taken 1.16368889809..

OpenCv CreateImage Function isn't working


8 channels 3 image cv.CreateImage w h no_of_bits channels cv.ShowImage 'WindowName' image cvWaitKey python opencv share improve..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


0 0 3 8 0 except print nothing found pass # show images cv.ShowImage image press 'q' to quit orig cv.ShowImage post process processed.. # show images cv.ShowImage image press 'q' to quit orig cv.ShowImage post process processed cv_key cv.WaitKey WAITKEY_DELAY_MS key_pressed..