

python Programming Glossary: cv2.cvtcolor

OpenCV dot target detection not finding all targets, and found circles are offset


cv2.destroyAllWindows im cv2.imread 'small_test.jpg' gray cv2.cvtColor im cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY #I've tried blur bw tr... all give me..

Does anyone have any examples of using OpenCV with python for descriptor extraction?


extract descriptors import cv2 img cv2.imread im1.jpg img2 cv2.cvtColor img cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY surf cv2.FeatureDetector_create 'SURF'.. using Python 2.7 and OpenCV 2.4. im2 cv2.imread imgPath im cv2.cvtColor im2 cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY surfDetector cv2.FeatureDetector_create..

OpenCV 2.4.1 - computing SURF descriptors in Python


cv2.imread 'messi4.jpg' # Convert them to grayscale imgg cv2.cvtColor img cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY # SURF extraction surf cv2.SURF kp descritors.. keypoints template cv2.imread 'template.jpg' templateg cv2.cvtColor template cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY keys desc surf.detect templateg..

Compare similarity of images using OpenCV with Python


armchair.jpg # Convert them to grayscale imgg cv2.cvtColor img cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY # SURF extraction surf cv2.FeatureDetector_create.. similar keypoints template cv2.imread modelImage templateg cv2.cvtColor template cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY keys surf.detect templateg keys..

Python Opencv SolvePnP yields wrong translation vector


cv2.cornerSubPix img corners 5 5 1 1 term if debug_dir vis cv2.cvtColor img cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR cv2.drawChessboardCorners vis pattern_size..

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


np import cv2 im cv2.imread 'pitrain.png' im3 im.copy gray cv2.cvtColor im cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY blur cv2.GaussianBlur gray 5 5 0 thresh.. im cv2.imread 'pi.png' out np.zeros im.shape np.uint8 gray cv2.cvtColor im cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY thresh cv2.adaptiveThreshold gray 255..

writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features)


250 200 200 orig cv2.imread c.jpg img orig.copy img2 cv2.cvtColor img cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY detector cv2.FeatureDetector_create 'MSER'.. h w orig.shape 2 vis np.zeros h w 2 5 np.uint8 vis cv2.cvtColor vis cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR vis h w orig vis h w 5 w 2 5 img cv2.imshow..