

python Programming Glossary: cv_fourcc

python library for splitting video


video file video_out cv.CreateVideoWriter output_filenameX CV_FOURCC 'M' 'J' 'P' 'G' capture.fps frame.size 1 # Write the frames..

Unable to create a basic video file using OpenCV


spoll laptop2.jpg writer CreateVideoWriter home spoll out CV_FOURCC 'F' 'L' 'V' '1' 2 im1.width im1.height if writer is None print.. if this is true. If it is the problem is most probably CV_FOURCC which is not finding the codec. Then check this answer for other.. cvGetSize im1 #writer cvCreateVideoWriter out.avi CV_FOURCC 'M' 'J' 'P' 'G' fps frame_size True writer cvCreateVideoWriter..

Opencv error on python


error on python no matter what CV_FOURCC I use I get this OpenCV Error Unsupported format or combination.. 489 writer cv.CreateVideoWriter filename file fourcc cv.CV_FOURCC 'F' 'M' 'P' '4' fps iFps frame_size 800 600 is_color 1 cv.WriteFrame.. modules highgui src cap_gstreamer.cpp does not exist. Also CV_FOURCC 'H' 'F' 'Y' 'U' makes empty file. Input is .png output is .avi..