

python Programming Glossary: cv.set2d

Python code for Earth mover's Distance


s in range s_bins bin_val cv.QueryHistValue_2D hist1 h s cv.Set2D sig1 h s_bins s 0 cv.Scalar bin_val cv.Set2D sig1 h s_bins s.. hist1 h s cv.Set2D sig1 h s_bins s 0 cv.Scalar bin_val cv.Set2D sig1 h s_bins s 1 cv.Scalar h cv.Set2D sig1 h s_bins s 2 cv.Scalar.. 0 cv.Scalar bin_val cv.Set2D sig1 h s_bins s 1 cv.Scalar h cv.Set2D sig1 h s_bins s 2 cv.Scalar s bin_val cv.QueryHistValue_2D hist2..

Performance comparison of OpenCV-Python interfaces, cv and cv2


for j in xrange gray.height k cv.Get2D gray j i 0 if k 127 cv.Set2D h j i 255 255 255 elif k 127 cv.Set2D h j i 0 0 255 k else cv.Set2D.. gray j i 0 if k 127 cv.Set2D h j i 255 255 255 elif k 127 cv.Set2D h j i 0 0 255 k else cv.Set2D h j i k 0 0 t2 time.time t print.. h j i 255 255 255 elif k 127 cv.Set2D h j i 0 0 255 k else cv.Set2D h j i k 0 0 t2 time.time t print time taken t2 cv.ShowImage..