

python Programming Glossary: f_i

Solving non-linear equations in python


this case so let's flip your equation around. Instead of F_i X^2 a_i Y^2 b_i X Y cosZ c_i X Y sinZ Let's write F_i a^2 X_i.. of F_i X^2 a_i Y^2 b_i X Y cosZ c_i X Y sinZ Let's write F_i a^2 X_i b^2 Y_i a b cos c Z_i a b sin c Where we know F X Y.. we know F X Y and Z at 4 different points e.g. F_0 F_1 ... F_i . We're just changing the names of the variables not the equation..

Is there a good way to do this type of mining?


spaces between them S_i scaled by some factor K and a flag F_i which is 0 or 1. If the pair are in the same horizontal group.. of the flags. I suggest that we want to minimise sum 1 F_i sum K S_i F_i This has two terms. The first is the sum of one.. I suggest that we want to minimise sum 1 F_i sum K S_i F_i This has two terms. The first is the sum of one minus the flag..