

python Programming Glossary: further

How to keep a Python script output window open?


the program with the program environment loaded so you may further play with the variables and call functions and methods. share..

What is different between all these OpenCV Python interfaces?


this since I haven't used it. But it seems to have stopped further development. I think it would be better to stick on to official..

Programmatically saving image to Django ImageField


this one as well as the django doc on File UPDATE After further testing it only does this behavior when running under Apache..

How to make the python interpreter correctly handle non-ASCII characters in string operations?


918 417 712 s.replace ' ' '' save_main_count s It gets no further than s.replace ... python unicode share improve this question..

Force Python to forego native sqlite3 and use the (installed) latest sqlite3 version


that it was included as part of the static library and no further work is necessary from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3 con..

Elegant setup of Python logging in Django


events in the module and if I want to differentiate further use a logger which is a child of the logger created above. If..

What is memoization and how can I use it in Python?


You can think of it as a cache for method results. For further details see page 365 of Cormen et al. Introduction To Algorithms..

python random string generation with upper case letters and digits


for x in range N In details with a clean function for further reuse import string import random def id_generator size 6 chars..

Speed up bitstring/bit operations in Python?


i is False # if flags i is True continue yield i # Exclude further multiples of the current prime number if i sub_limit for j in.. i in range 3 limit 2 if flags i continue yield i # Exclude further multiples of the current prime number if i sub_limit for j in.. 2 current 1 if prime limit break yield prime # Exclude further multiples of the current prime number if prime sub_limit for..

Permanently add a directory to PYTHONPATH


the purpose. superuser.com may be a better place to ask further i.e. for more details if you need specifics about how to enrich..

Simple HTTP Web Server [closed]


should be a cross platform solution Edit Sorry to extend further I would love a single file which I could drop in any folder..

Iterate a list as pair (current, next) in Python


but it comes at a cost. If one of the iterators advances further than the other then tee needs to keep the consumed elements..

Adding Python Path on Windows 7


other sources hasn't seemed to help Edit Just to clarify further I've appended the path of the Python executable to PATH in edit..

No module named pkg_resources


to uninstall it first. See Installation Instructions for further details. If you already have a working distribute upgrading..

How do I correctly clean up a Python object?


exception occurs. You could even take this approach a step further. In the example above someone could still instantiate Package..

What does python file extensions, .pyc .pyd .pyo stand for?


windows.html#is a pyd file the same as a dll Also for some further discussion on .pyc vs .pyo take a look at http www.network theory.co.uk..

Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages


that restriction might be cannot be determined without further context. Instead of using strongly typed and weakly typed you..

__lt__ instead of __cmp__


equivalent approaches to perform exactly the same task. Further edit there's actually an even better way to provide comparison..

What is this kind of assignment in Python called? a = b = True


True a temporary_expr_result b temporary_expr_result Further reading available here on stackoverflow How do chained assignments..

Python - Lazy loading of class attributes


foo has a bar. Bar is not loaded until it is accessed. Further accesses to bar should incur no overhead. class Foo object def..

Generating sublists using multiplication ( * ) unexpected behavior [duplicate]


did though. That's why the other two items don't change. Further imagine that the owner of the house with address that is still..

How to create a generator/iterator with the Python C API?


. Does anyone have any experience with this they can share Further Edit I found this to be clearer when I essentially expanded..

python-re: How do I match an alpha character


W d_ re.UNICODE rx.findall u abc_def k9 u'abc' u'def' u'k' Further exploration reveals a few quirks of this approach import unicodedata..

Numpy ?˜smart??symmetric matrix


a symmetrized version of the array like input_array. Further assignments to the array are automatically symmetrized. return..

Python: urllib/urllib2/httplib confusion


that will catch and follow the redirects. Further you may want to subclass the default HTTPRedirectHandler to..

py2exe fails to generate an executable


an error message like it did with the test_wx.py sample. Further update When I tried to run the output from py2exe on another..

Python: Why is functools.partial necessary?


and what positional and named arguments it fixes therein. Further the named arguments can be overridden right back the fixing..

How can I speed up fetching pages with urllib2 in python?


total 1.13 s Wall time 1.13 s This means 0.13s of overhead Further testing on my parallel fetching shows a huge variability in..

httplib: incomplete read


response.read And the response.read throws the error. Edit Further information Adding explicit CRLF emissions does not alter the..

What to consider before subclassing list?


any methods you override so you can have unexpected bugs. Further it's very often confusing doing things like self.append instead..

Naming Python loggers


else naming their loggers with the same unimaginative ways Further should I break down and write a class decorator for this log..

Python Tkinter Embed Matplotlib in GUI


plot it will be the toolbar that shows up at the very top. Further you can place the plot at the bottom rather than the top and..

How can you use Python in Vim?


from stdin to operate directly on the lines given . ... . Further Clarification If I want to print 'Hello' to lines 4 5 6 and..

Is there a way to change effective process name in Python?


the system and use the preferred method for that system. Further I'm confused about what you mean by process names on Windows...

Adding Python Path on Windows 7


it through the Edit Environment variables prompt etc. Further more if I run the set command in commandline it lists this python..

Python multiprocessing: sharing a large read-only object between processes?


the items in those large files against the lookup object. Further update database is a fine solution memcached might be a better..

What's the difference between `globals()`, `locals()`, and `vars()`?


the actual dictionary that is the current namespace. Further changes to the namespace are reflected in the dictionary and..