

python Programming Glossary: functools

Local variables in Python nested functions


but please help me understand what's happening. from functools import partial class Cage object def __init__ self animal self.animal.. for a keyword parameter . Partial function example using functools.partial from functools import partial def pet_function cage.. . Partial function example using functools.partial from functools import partial def pet_function cage None print Mary pets the..

Python: Automatically initialize instance variables?


extended the solution to honor default arguments also from functools import wraps import inspect def initializer fun names varargs.. support keyword arguments Here is the final solution from functools import wraps import inspect def initializer fun names varargs.. args kargs return wrapper You can use a decorator from functools import wraps import inspect def initializer fun names varargs..

Returning the product of a list


than using operator.mul from operator import mul # from functools import reduce # python3 compatibility def with_lambda list reduce.. 1 it's better and faster from operator import mul # from functools import reduce # python3 compatibility def with_lambda list reduce..

Timeout function if it takes too long to finish


a decorator save the following code as timeout.py . from functools import wraps import errno import os import signal class TimeoutError..

Python decorator makes function forget that it belongs to a class


the object whose method is being called. For example from functools import wraps # use this to preserve function signatures and..

Django authentication and Ajax - URLs that require login


Here is first revised draft of the decorator from functools import wraps def ajax_login_required view_func @wraps view_func.. a message DIV return Etc ... EDIT I've attempted to use functools.wraps as suggested. I have not actually used this decorator..

Python: Why is functools.partial necessary?


Why is functools.partial necessary Partial application is cool. What functionality.. Partial application is cool. What functionality does functools.partial offer that you can't get through lambdas sum lambda.. lambda y sum 1 y incr 2 3 def sum2 x y return x y incr2 functools.partial sum2 1 incr2 4 5 Is functools somehow more efficient..

How do I sort a list of strings in Python?


rules into account cmp_to_key is a helper function from functools sorted mylist key cmp_to_key locale.strcoll And finally if you..

Creating a python dictionary from a line of text


Of course for a specific case like this it's easy to use functools.partial and create a similar pairwise function with it which.. it which will work in both Python 2 3 like this import functools pairwise functools.partial grouper 2 share improve this answer..

Python multiprocessing pool.map for multiple arguments


from what you did but I find this example clearer from functools import partial def harvester text case X case 0 return text..

How to get console window width in python


python: Dictionaries of dictionaries merge


Scope of python lambda functions and their parameters


is created once per every callback_factory call. Or with functools.partial from functools import partial def callback msg print.. callback_factory call. Or with functools.partial from functools import partial def callback msg print msg funcList partial callback..