

python Programming Glossary: func_name

Python dynamic function creation with custom names


same for all functions. I start off with a list of names. func_names func1 func2 func3 Note that the func_name list can hold a list.. list of names. func_names func1 func2 func3 Note that the func_name list can hold a list of arbitrary names so the names will NOT..

How can I get the name of an object in Python?


the commandline and I want to call the relevant function func_name parse_commandline fun_dict func_name And the reason I want to.. the relevant function func_name parse_commandline fun_dict func_name And the reason I want to have the name of the function is because..

timeit versus timing decorator


res func arg kw t2 time.time return t2 t1 res func.func_name return wrapper @timing_val def time_izip alist n i iter alist.. f alist 31 times.sort key lambda x x 0 for time result func_name in times print ' s took 0.3fms.' func_name time 1000. yields.. for time result func_name in times print ' s took 0.3fms.' func_name time 1000. yields test.py time_indexing took 73.230ms. time_izip..

How to get the function name as string in Python?


is the preferred method as it applies uniformly. Unlike func_name it works on built in functions as well import time time.time.func_name.. works on built in functions as well import time time.time.func_name Traceback most recent call last File stdin line 1 in AttributeError.. 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute 'func_name' time.time.__name__ 'time' Also the double underscores indicate..

Importing files from different folder in Python


I've tried from application.app.folder.file import func_name and some other various attempts but so far I couldn't manage..

PicklingError when using multiprocessing


the copy_reg module. His code is def _pickle_method method func_name method.im_func.__name__ obj method.im_self cls method.im_class.. method.im_self cls method.im_class return _unpickle_method func_name obj cls def _unpickle_method func_name obj cls for cls in cls.mro.. _unpickle_method func_name obj cls def _unpickle_method func_name obj cls for cls in cls.mro try func cls.__dict__ func_name except..

pydev breakpoints not working


code eclipse workspace sqladata src testdata.py line 85 func_name testAdjacency 'received command ' '122 t5 t ' Exceptions to..