

python Programming Glossary: functor

Parsing nested function calls using pyparsing


identifier Word alphas alphanums _ integer Word nums functor identifier # allow expression to be used recursively expression.. integer expression args arg ZeroOrMore arg expression functor lparen args rparen print expression.parseString f x y print.. at char 3 line 1 col 4 Why does my parser interpret the functor of the inner expression as a standalone identifier python parsing..

Python: implement a script in a function. Some suggestions


this question Here's an example of how to make it a functor object out of your code and use it along with a few changes.. few changes to some other things I felt were worthwhile. A functor is an entity that serves the role of a function but can be operated.. atan2 cos pi sin class GetMinimumAreaRectangle object functor to find length width and area of the smallest rectangular area..

Python Argument Binders


can I bind arguments to a Python method to store a nullary functor for later invocation Similar to C 's boost bind . python ..