

python Programming Glossary: fifty

Project Euler 17


nineteen .split tens_names zero ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety .split def english n Return the..

Efficiently updating database using SQLAlchemy ORM


This does the right thing but it takes just under fifty times as long as the other two approaches. I presume that's..

Python's ConfigParser unique keys per section


it to many values for example a comma delimited list of fifty extensions would not be particularly readable. python design..

Is there a way to Convert Number words to Integers? Python


seventeen eighteen nineteen tens twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety scales hundred thousand million..

Python function: Find Change from purchase amount


the cashier a twnty. They'll make change by saying three fifty two then count back three pennies saying three four five 3.55..

memory-efficient built-in SqlAlchemy iterator/generator?


it to page through N rows it's like doing the same query fifty times instead of one each time reading a larger and larger number..

How do I tell Python to convert integers into words


num2word.to_card 15 'fifteen' num2word.to_card 55 'fifty five' num2word.to_card 1555 'one thousand five hundred and fifty..