

python Programming Glossary: fig.subplots_adjust

Scatter plot with a huge amount of data


import rc import pylab from pylab import fig plt.figure fig.subplots_adjust bottom 0.2 ax fig.add_subplot 111 plt.scatter delta vf c dS..

matplotlib: adding second axes() with transparent background?


plt.subplots newax ax.twiny # Make some room at the bottom fig.subplots_adjust bottom 0.20 # I'm guessing you want them both on the bottom..... as plt import numpy as np fig ax plt.subplots fig.subplots_adjust bottom 0.2 newax fig.add_axes ax.get_position newax.patch.set_visible.. as plt import numpy as np fig ax plt.subplots fig.subplots_adjust bottom 0.2 right 0.85 newax fig.add_axes ax.get_position newax.patch.set_visible..

Creating Bar Charts in Python


your graph the following should do fig plt.figure fig.subplots_adjust bottom 0.2 # Remark 1 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.bar arange len..

Is there a function to make scatterplot matrices in matplotlib?


axes plt.subplots nrows numvars ncols numvars figsize 8 8 fig.subplots_adjust hspace 0.05 wspace 0.05 for ax in axes.flat # Hide all ticks..

python - matplotlib - setting aspect ratio


.4 minsize ysize if aspect 1 xlim aspect else ylim aspect fig.subplots_adjust left .5 xlim right .5 xlim bottom .5 ylim top .5 ylim fig..