

python Programming Glossary: fig.set_size_inches

Heatmap in matplotlib with pcolor?


nba_sort cmap plt.cm.Blues alpha 0.8 # Format fig plt.gcf fig.set_size_inches 8 11 # turn off the frame ax.set_frame_on False # put the major..

Matplotlib: Aligning y-ticks to the left


ind 0.5 r ax.set_yticklabels ticks # ha 'left' fig.set_size_inches 12 8 fig.savefig r'C try.png' bbox_extra_artists r bbox_inches.. ax.set_yticks ind 0.5 r ax.set_yticklabels ticks ha 'left' fig.set_size_inches 12 8 forward True # re size first the shift needs to be in display..

What is the difference between 'log' and 'symlog'?


you can change the figure size using fig pyplot.gcf fig.set_size_inches 4. 3. # Default size 8. 6. If you are unsure about me answering..

Generating movie from python without saving individual frames to files


300 cmap 'gray' interpolation 'nearest' im.set_clim 0 1 fig.set_size_inches 5 5 tight_layout def update_img n tmp rand 300 300 im.set_data..

How can I release memory after creating matplotlib figures


fig plt.figure num 1 dpi 100 facecolor 'w' edgecolor 'w' fig.set_size_inches 10 7 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot a b fig.clf plt.close del..

Matplotlib errors result in a memory leak. How can I free up that memory?


fig plt.figure num 1 dpi 100 facecolor 'w' edgecolor 'w' fig.set_size_inches 10 7 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot a b fig.savefig 'yourdesktop.. N fig plt.figure num 1 dpi 100 facecolor 'w' edgecolor 'w' fig.set_size_inches 10 7 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot a b fig.savefig ' tmp random.png'..

scipy: savefig without frames, axes, only content


a figure without the frame fig plt.figure frameon False fig.set_size_inches w h To make the content fill the whole figure ax plt.Axes fig.. size to make sure they fill the figure size specified in fig.set_size_inches . To get a feel of how to play with this sort of things read..