

python Programming Glossary: fig.savefig

Moving matplotlib legend outside of the axis makes it cutoff by the figure box


The code I am looking for is adjusting the savefig call to fig.savefig 'samplefigure' bbox_extra_artists lgd bbox_inches 'tight' #Note.. loc 'upper center' bbox_to_anchor 0.5 0.1 ax.grid 'on' fig.savefig 'samplefigure' bbox_extra_artists lgd bbox_inches 'tight' This..

Generating a 3D CAPTCHA [pic]


X Y Z rstride 1 cstride 1 ax.set_zlim 0 50 fig.savefig 'c test2.png' Obviously there's a little work to be done eliminating..

Matplotlib: Aligning y-ticks to the left


ticks # ha 'left' fig.set_size_inches 12 8 fig.savefig r'C try.png' bbox_extra_artists r bbox_inches 'tight' python..

Matplotlib runs out of memory when plotting in a loop


packages matplotlib pyplot.py line 356 in savefi g return fig.savefig args kwargs File C Python25 lib site packages matplotlib figure.py..

plotting results of hierarchical clustering ontop of a matrix of data in python


0.91 0.1 0.02 0.6 pylab.colorbar im cax axcolor fig.show fig.savefig 'dendrogram.png' Good luck Let me know if you need more help...

How to set opacity of background colour of graph wit Matplotlib


specify transparent True when saving the figure with fig.savefig . e.g. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig plt.figure plt.plot.. matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig plt.figure plt.plot range 10 fig.savefig 'temp.png' transparent True If you want more fine grained control.. with savefig it will override the value we set earlier fig.savefig 'temp.png' facecolor fig.get_facecolor edgecolor 'none' plt.show..

Matplotlib: simultaneous plotting in multiple threads


matplot - store image in variable


plt.plot range 10 20 fig plt.gcf imgdata StringIO.StringIO fig.savefig imgdata format 'png' imgdata.seek 0 # rewind the data print..

Matplotlib errors result in a memory leak. How can I free up that memory?


10 7 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot a b fig.savefig 'yourdesktop random.png' # code gives me an error here fig.clf.. 10 7 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot a b fig.savefig ' tmp random.png' # code gives me an error here if __name__..

python - matplotlib - setting aspect ratio


111 ax.imshow data ax.set_xlabel 'xlabel' ax.set_aspect 2 fig.savefig 'equal.png' ax.set_aspect 'auto' fig.savefig 'auto.png' forceAspect.. 2 fig.savefig 'equal.png' ax.set_aspect 'auto' fig.savefig 'auto.png' forceAspect ax aspect 1 fig.savefig 'force.png' This.. 'auto' fig.savefig 'auto.png' forceAspect ax aspect 1 fig.savefig 'force.png' This is 'force.png' Below are my unsuccessful yet..

scipy: savefig without frames, axes, only content


draw your image on it ax.imshow your_image aspect 'normal' fig.savefig fname dpi The aspect parameter changes the pixel size to make..

Exact figure size in matplotlib with title, axis labels


plot 0 1 5 2 9 title 'title' xlabel 'xAxis' ylabel 'yAxis' fig.savefig 'test.png' dpi 600 The resulting figure is 2040x1890 pixels.. 'xAxis' ylabel 'yAxis' subplots_adjust bottom 0.14 # fig.savefig 'test.png' dpi 600 The default value of these margins are set.. plot 0 1 5 2 9 title 'title' xlabel 'xAxis' ylabel 'yAxis' fig.savefig 'test.png' dpi 300 # In any case I would consider this as a..