

python Programming Glossary: fig.add_subplot

How to add a second x-axis in matplotlib


as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig plt.figure ax1 fig.add_subplot 111 ax2 ax1.twiny X np.linspace 0 1 1000 Y np.cos X 20 ax1.plot..

pylab.ion() in python 2, matplotlib 1.1.1 and updating of the plot while the program runs


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dat 0 1 fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 Ln ax.plot dat ax.set_xlim 0 20 plt.ion plt.show for i in..

2D and 3D Scatter Histograms from arrays in Python


i ys j zs k v points np.array points fig pyplot.figure sub fig.add_subplot 111 projection '3d' sub.scatter points 0 points 1 points 2 ..

How to draw diagrams like this?


as plt import numpy as np fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 projection '3d' dim 10 X Y np.meshgrid dim dim dim dim Z..

How can I improve my paw detection?


need # ion instead of show ... plt.ion fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 fig.suptitle input_filename # Make an image based on the.. 2 .start # Plot up a simple analysis fig plt.figure ax1 fig.add_subplot 2 1 1 annotate_paw_prints time data data_slices ax ax1 ax2 fig.add_subplot.. 2 1 1 annotate_paw_prints time data data_slices ax ax1 ax2 fig.add_subplot 2 1 2 plot_paw_impacts time data_slices ax ax2 fig.suptitle..

matplotlib Update a Plot


things in a tkinter plot... plt.ion fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 line1 ax.plot x y 'r ' # Returns a tuple of line objects..

Secondary axis with twinx(): how to add to legend?


rc rc 'mathtext' default 'regular' fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot time Swdown ' ' label 'Swdown' ax.plot time Rn '.. 10 100 10 Rn np.random.random 10 100 10 fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 lns1 ax.plot time Swdown ' ' label 'Swdown' lns2 ax.plot..

Creating graph with date and time in axis labels with matplotlib


hfmt dates.DateFormatter ' m d H M' fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.vlines fds y2 y1 ax.xaxis.set_major_locator dates.MinuteLocator..

Matplotlib - label each bin


matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot ... fig pyplot.figure ax fig.add_subplot 1 1 1 n bins patches ax.hist measurements bins 50 range graph_minimum..

Using Colormaps to set color of line in matplotlib


Each of the arrays have the same length. fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 jet colors.Colormap 'jet' cNorm colors.Normalize vmin 0.. i in range NCURVES values range NCURVES fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 # replace the next line #jet colors.Colormap 'jet' # with..

why is plotting with Matplotlib so slow?


library from pylab import import time ion fig figure ax1 fig.add_subplot 611 ax2 fig.add_subplot 612 ax3 fig.add_subplot 613 ax4 fig.add_subplot.. import time ion fig figure ax1 fig.add_subplot 611 ax2 fig.add_subplot 612 ax3 fig.add_subplot 613 ax4 fig.add_subplot 614 ax5 fig.add_subplot.. figure ax1 fig.add_subplot 611 ax2 fig.add_subplot 612 ax3 fig.add_subplot 613 ax4 fig.add_subplot 614 ax5 fig.add_subplot 615 ax6 fig.add_subplot..