

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:34

android Programming Glossary: t.show

Rendering Android webview to bitmap, html5 javascript , callback issue


mHasGotRenderCallback true mHeight height Toast t Toast.makeText getApplicationContext see if it helps sleeping 2000 t.show try Thread.sleep 5000 catch InterruptedException ex runOnUiThread new Runnable @Override public void run Toast t2..

Onclicklistner not working in fragment listview


int arg2 long arg3 TODO Auto generated method stub Toast t Toast.makeText getActivity Message Toast.LENGTH_SHORT t.show return view MyCustomAdapter.java public class MyCustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Recipes Context context int layoutResourceId..

Fling Gesture and Webview in Android


swipe right return true void show_toast final String text Toast t Toast.makeText context text Toast.LENGTH_SHORT t.show @littleFluffyKitty. I presume by default WebView touch events you mean when it brings up the zoom controls etc I didn't..

How do I pass return values from a javascript function to android?


String text this is called from JS with passed value Toast t Toast.makeText getApplicationContext text 2000 t.show Then on your WebView load have. webView.addJavascriptInterface new IJavascriptHandler cpjs Call JS function webView.loadUrl..

toast issue in android


method stub t Toast.makeText Main.this you clicked on button enter image description here 3 Toast.LENGTH_LONG t.show @Override protected void onPause TODO Auto generated method stub super.onPause t.cancel Please can anyone can resolve..

How to crop image in android


0 mCrop.setFocus true if mNumFaces 1 Toast t Toast.makeText CropImage.this Multi face crop help Toast.LENGTH_SHORT t.show public static final int NO_STORAGE_ERROR 1 public static final int CANNOT_STAT_ERROR 2 public static void showStorageToast..